Sunday, 13 October 2013 11:58 |
 FIDE Congress Tallinn, Estonia Emergency General Assembly 9 October 2013
MINUTES 1. A quorum was established.
2. Confirmation of the ELE for Tromso 2014
The Secretariat received four candidates for the position of the ELE Chairman within the deadline, two of whom resigned before the start of the General Assembly. The existing members of the ELE (Ms. A. Santens, Mr. G. Borg and Mr. P. Klerides) were approved as Scrutineers, with one objection. Ms. Margaret Murphy, President of the US Virgin Islands Chess Federation, was unanimously elected as ELE Chairman for Tromso 2014 after Mr. Tomasz Sielicki, delegate of Polish Chess Federation, withdrew his candidacy.
3. Proxies The Chairman of the temporary ELE, A. Santens presented proposed clarifications to the Statutes regarding the election process. Further clarifications were then sought and the EGA unanimously approved the document with two amendments. FIDE will post guidance on the proxy rules, and forms for designating delegates and assigning and re-assigning proxies, at the latest four months before the opening of the General Assembly 2014.