Friday, 09 November 2012 12:42 |

FIDE is publishing the Minutes and Annexes of the General Assembly meeting that was held in Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 September 2012.
Please download the Minutes in PDF format.
List of Annexes
1. Accounts for 2011 and certificate from Auditors 2. Notes to the accounts 2011 3. Income and Expenditure for 2012 3A.Proposed Budget 2013 4. Permanent Fund report 5. Verification Commission report from the meeting held in Athens in June 2012 6. Application from Togo Chess Federation 7. Application from Gambia Chess Federation 8. Application from Lesotho Chess Federation 9. Request from Kara Heritage Institute to become an affiliate 10A. Proposed FIDE Statutes 10B. Proposed FIDE Electoral Regulations 10C. Proposals regarding Commissions 10D. Proposal regarding financial regulations 10E. Proposal regarding official languages 10F. Letter from Bulgarian, English and US Chess Federations 10G. Proposed FIDE Electoral and Financial Regulations and FIDE Statutes (presented at General Assembly in Istabul) 11. Agreement between FIDE and Agon 12. Appeal of the Bulgarian Chess Federation in respect of the bidding procedure for the Candidates matches 2012 12A. Request by the Bulgarian Chess Federation 13. Agenda for the Technical Committee meeting 14. Appendix 1 to Technical Committee Agenda 15. Agenda for the RTR Committee meeting 16. Final draft of the Laws of Chess 17. Agenda for the SPP Committee meeting 18. Appendix 1 to SPP Committee Agenda 19. Minutes of the QC Councillors’ meeting held in Warsaw, 11-12 April 2012 20. List of over-the-board-play titles to be approved by the General Assembly 21. Agenda for the Arbiters’ Commission meeting 22. Minutes of the Councillors’ meeting held in Athens, June 30 2012 23. List of Arbiters’ titles to be approved by the General Assembly 24. Letter from the Royal Dutch Chess Federation in respect of the licence fees 25. Proposals in respect of the classification of the Arbiters 26. Trainers’ Commission report and Minutes of the meeting of June 7 2012 27. Titles to be approved by the General Assembly 28. Rules for Trainers Awards 2011 29. List of Trainers’ Awards 2011 30. Exchange of correspondence in respect of Trainers’ seminar in Caldas Novas 30A. Tregubov case 31. Minutes of the Development Commission meeting held in Athens in March 2012 32. CIS Commission Chairman A-N.Yazici’s report 33. Proposals from WOM Commission 34. Minutes of the Constitutional Commission meeting in Lausanne, June 2012 35. Report of Ms. B. Marinello on Social Chess 36. Agenda for the Medical Commission meeting 37. Agenda for the Events Commission meeting 38. Minutes of the Events Commission meeting held in Zaozhuang, China, May 2012 39. Proposal of the Philippines Chess Federation regarding registration, transfer and rules of eligibility for participation in FIDE events 40. Proposal of Mr. I. Leong on FIDE Chess Oscar Awards 41. FIDE Calendar planner update 42. FIDE Calendar 2012-2013 43. FIDE Calendar 2014-2016 44. Proposal of Mr. S. Reuben regarding guidelines for events for inexperienced players 45. Proposal of the Turkish Chess Federation regarding players suspended in their respective countries 46. WCM Chief Arbiter’s report 47. WCM Appeals Committee Chairman report 48. Chief Arbiter’s and Appeals Committee Chairman reports on World Rapid and Blitz Championships 2012 49. Bid from the Estonian CF to organise the 42nd Chess Olympiad 2016 in Tallinn, October-November 50. Bid from the Bulgarian CF to organise the 42nd Chess Olympiad 2016 in Albena, September-October 51. Bid from the Azerbaijan CF to organise the 42nd Chess Olympiad 2016 in Baku, 3-18 September, and the World Cup 2015 52. Bid from AICF to organise the World Junior 2014 CC in Chennai/Mumbai/New Delhi, during the dates decided by FIDE 53. Bid from Turkish CF to organise the World Youth CC 2015 in Antalya, 1-12 November 54. Bid from Bulgarian CF to organise the World Youth CC 2015 in Albena, October 55. Bid from Greek CF to organise the World Youth CC 2015 in Porto Carras, Halkidiki, from 24 October to 5 November 56. Comparison table of the bids 57. Report of the FIDE Observer M. Petrucci 58. Letter from the Argentinean Chess Federation 59. Proposed Statutes for the African Continent 60. Proposal of the Turkish Chess Federation to ban the five FIDE Federations (French, USCF, Ukrainian, German and Swiss) till they reimburse legal expenses of FIDE in respect of the legal case 5 Federations vs. FIDE 61. Arbitration Award in respect of the legal case English and Georgian Chess Federations vs. FIDE 62. Exchange of correspondence in respect of the organisation of their Championship in Quito, Ecuador, 13-22 April 2012 63. Proposal of the Iranian Chess Federation to add Farsi language to the list of the official FIDE languages 64. Proposal of the Turkish Chess Federation to add Turkish language to the list of the official FIDE languages 65. Report of American Continental President 66. Bid from Armenian Chess Federation to organise the World Team Championship and Women’s World Team Championship 2015 in Jermuk, Armenia 67. Minutes of TASK Committee meeting 68. Proposal for Svetozar Gligoric’s award 69. Minutes of Commission for Women’s Chess meeting 70. Minutes of Trainers’ Commission 71. Report of SPP Commission meeting 72. Report of Social Projects meeting 73. Bid from Puerto Rico to organise 2016 World Youth Chess Championship U8,10,12,14,16,18 Open and Girls in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 74. Minutes of Verification Commission meeting 75. Minutes of Arbiters’ Commisson meeting 76. Minutes of Iberoamerican Chess Federation (FIBDA) meeting 77. Report of the Advisor for the Special Project “Chess for the Disabled” 78. Report of CIS Commission meeting 79. Report of Events Commission meeting. Appendix. 80. Minutes of Technical Commission meeting 81. Minutes of Medical Commission meeting 82. Minutes of RTR Commission meeting 83. Minutes of Development Commission meeting 84. Estonian CF bid withdrawal 85. Proposal of TAP. Appendix. 86. WOC prposals 87. ECU President report 88. Minutes of QC Commission meeting 89. Ethics Commission report. Appendix. 90. Report of Constitutional Commission meeting 91. Report of Continental President of Africa 92. Report of Commonwealth Chess Association meeting 93. Report of Continental President of Asia
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