CIS Conference and 3rd Chess Festival
After the opening ceremony, in Jiangnan Primary School, I witnessed many parallel ongoing chess activities: festival tournaments, a simultaneous display, the CIS conference, sport activities, etc.Would you liketo know more about Jiangnan Primary School and their connection with chess? click here To see a video with English subtitle click here Events started on the afternoon of 22nd October and finished at noon on 23rd October with a traditional Chinese lunch. I was very much impressed by the perfection of the planning, down even to small details.
The leader of the Chinese Chess Association, the President Yang Jun An arrived to Chongqing on the afternoon of 22nd October. He was welcomed by Mrs. Tian Qi. . Yang is a highly energetic person with an experienced team. This makes the CCA a very strong flagship in the FIDE navy. The President of the Chinese Chess Association is getting a brief report from GM Zhong and GM Jiangchuan.
It was time to award certificates to the winners of the chess festival.
Champion and his trophy!
Time to play in the garden 1. e4 (interesting that they chose the Alekhine Defence)   Here is the position after the 4th move, exd5 To watch a video clip of garden match click here In Jiangnan Primary School there are three teachers working for CIS courses. There are also three chess coaches training kids in the JPS chess club. surrounded by pieces...  I played a few tours of a simultaneous display together with GM Zhong. Let us be guests in a chess course for the youngest children. The first year students of JPS get 2 hours per week of the chess course as part of the main curriculum Shaking chess sets and making noise is great fun, did you try it? Do you want to see the video? click here A very modern chess classroom. The teacher is not a chess master, but she is very well formed, with deep pedagogic knowledge and, unlike most chess coaches, knows how to teach young children. This is the chess club for students of JPS. Who is the teacher? GM Zhong is a proud graduate of Jiangnan Primary School. Mrs. Qi shows me the principles of JPS:"School Culture", "Steps Culture", "Schooling Purpose", "Enlightening wisdom prospering China", "Schooling Philosophy", "Steps to your future lighten the life", "With every step, remember your future"  One of key note speechs was made by Yang.    During the day there were many work shops in JPS, all related with chess in schools. 
Diplomas were awarded.
 Gens Una Sumus... 
Yang with Qi infront of JPS "heart stone" in the garden...

Now it is time to applaud the organizers; a group photo on the evening of 23rd October, in front of the river: Left to right front: Shi Yaowu (school staff), Zhao Kaixing (school staff), Annie (English teacher), Figo (English teacher), Zhou Zhou (computer teacher) Left to right back: Zhang Chi (science teacher), Liu Xianghai (vice headmaster), Wang Mei (vice headmaster), Tian Qi (head master), A.N.Y., GM Zhang Zhong, Zhou Xiaowu (Deputy Secretary), Li Weilin (vice headmaster), Liang Feng (assistant to headmaster and Engish teacher)
Jiangnan Primary School is looking for sister schools around the world which have chess embedded in the life of the school, please write to me if you are interested:
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Written by Ali Nihat Yazici, edited by Kevin O'Connell, photos captured by Zhou Zhou (computer teacher of JPS)Return to main article of Jiangnan Primary School