CIS Visit to Chongqing- China, Arrival Day |
Thursday, 31 October 2013 07:51 |
Arrival Day - 21 October 2013
Jiangnan Primary School - Chongqing
Having previously experienced great Chinese hospitality, I was not surprised by the very warm welcome that I received in Chongqing International Airport. However, when we arrived at Jiangnan Primary School from Airport, my eyes were opened: so many beautiful children waiting for us.
Head Master of Jiangnan Primary School, Tian Qi, one of the heros behind the success of Jiangnan Primary School... "Dear Ali, Welcome to Jiangnan Primary School" I was very impressed by the English speaking ability of all students in Jiangnan Primary School, Hongwei Tian is behind me (in FIDE we know her as Abigail. She is the delegate and Vice General Secretary of the Chinese Chess Association)
 On the entrance of JPS (Jiangnan Primary School), there is an iron plate with the motto of the school: "With Every Step Remember Your Future" A group photo at the entrance of JPS. The school consists of two very big buildings separated by a wide street in the centre of Chongqing. A bridge above the street connects these two buildings to each other. Children use this bridge to go from one building to other. The appearance of Jiangnan Primary School is amazing. . I guess many of you are very curious about JPS. I will present it to you in the words of Tian Qi, Head Master of the school, later on in this report. 
Tian Qi, Abigail, and Annie (JPS English teacher) explaining to me the importance of this small forest in JPS.
I could not be happier than to have a baby tree with my name in the beautiful garden of JPS, Chongqing. I promised Tian Qi that I will visit my baby tree every year.
With my guides we look around the school.
This room is on the first floor of JPS, overlooking the garden. The whole floor is dedicated to chess. It consists of three chess classrooms, one conference hall and a VIP Hall (this room), all exclusively for chess. Do you know any primary school in the world where they give such importance to chess? For 30 years? This is JPS and, as a chess person, it makes me proud! The reason behind China’s success in chess is their 'excellent chess in school program'
Mr. Mo Yuquan (on the left), Deputy District Mayor of Nan’an District, with Tian Qi explaining to me the motto of the school. . 
On the left Abigail, on the right Tian Qi.. and I’m sure many of you recognise GM Zhang Zhong. But did you know that he was one of the outstanding graduates from JPS? He is not the only one successfully to become a GM since graduating from this school. Wait and see... 
Mr. Mo was with us all the time during the conference and festival in JPS. I should impress my feelings that such high level participation shows how chess is given importance and support at government level. Perhaps many of you may think that this is a private school. No! While visiting Chongqing, I learned that the best schools in China are public or state schools; the government attaches great importance to education and supports the state schools very well. What a source of pride for Chinese Children! Return to main article of Jiangnan Primary School