CIS Chairman visits Belgium |
Sunday, 10 March 2013 10:32 |
 CIS Chairman and FIDE Vice President Ali Nihat YAZICI, has made a visit to Belgium (Brussels and Antwerp) from 5 to 9 March 2013. On 6th March 2013, Yazici has made members of the Board of Belgium Chess Federation. The meeting lasted more than four hours and a general master plan including CIS Project and development tools for the federation was focused by attendents.
6 March: Brain Storming Session for KBSB CIS Project
FIDE has launched a special CIS program by 2011. Up to now, more than 40 federations had been funded and given support by FIDE. FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov aims to achieve 1 billion human being playing chess on globe!
Belgium CIS Project will start in 2014. Before that FIDE and KBSB will prepare a master plan together. An excellent management team and very active President in Belgium aim big success in chess by achieving thousands of new members joining federation.
In 2013, the new internet technologies and management tools will be prepared and decided by KBSB. FIDE will make necessary help to KBSB to create those developments.
L-to-R: Jean-Pierre Van Haverbeke (President of Flemish Chess Federation), Gunter Delhaes (President of KBSB&German Speaking Chess Federation), Yazici, Raymond Van Melsen (President of French Speaking Federation)KBSB does have a different structure. The Federation consists of three cultural chess federation (Flemish, German and French). The CIS project and Master Plan of KBSB will be prepared respecting to this special situation. A new model, as usual FIDE does, will be tailored and customized for KBSB. L-to-R: Ludo Marteens (Treasurer), Damien André (General Secretary), Luc Cornet (Tournament Director), Eddy De Gendt (Regulations - IA, ICO), Raymond Van Melsen (President French Speaking Federation), Jan Vanhercke (International/National Youth Championships - board member), Jean-Pierre Van Haverbeke (President of Flemish Speaking Federation), Yazici, Jan Rooze (FIDE&ECU Delegate, board member, veteran national team member, organiser of that meeting), Gunter Delhaes (President of KBSB and President of German Speaking Federation - Super active new president of KBSB), Marc Clevers (Youth Director), Dimitri Logie (Member of the board)7th March - Visit to Major of AntwerpAs you know, FIDE has signed an agreement with ACES (news) on 27th February in Valencia. Respecting that Antwerp City is the Sport Capital of Europe in 2013, Yazici has visited the Major of Antwerp on 7th March 2013. Young and very active Major of Antwerp, together with his team has made a meeting for one hour with Yazici and four representers of Antwerp Chess Collectives. Ronny Baekelant (Chairman of Antwerp Chess Collective - Antwerps Schaak collectief), Jan Rooze, Dimitri Logie and representer of Antwerp Chess were together with Yazici guests of Antwerp Major Bart Albert Liliane De Wever. The many subjects in the meeting had been discusses including a special inauguration of Antwerp CIS, tournaments and Antwerp Chess Collective. Very soon, the detailed program with some unique chess events in the world will be declared.
Let us mention here who is Mr. De Wever
 Bart Albert Liliane De Wever (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈbɑrt də ˈʋeːvər]; born in Mortsel, 21 December 1970) is a Flemish politician and since 2004 has been the president of the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), a Flemish party that strives for an independent Flanders in a united Europe. He has also been a member of the Flemish parliament since 2004. He played a prominent role in the 2007 Belgian government formation and led his party to victory in the 2010 Belgian federal elections. This made the N-VA the largest party in both Flanders and the whole of Belgium, although they did not end up in the government that was formed a world-record 541 days later, being the Di Rupo I Government.  Since January 2013 he has been mayor of Antwerp following the municipal elections of 2012. |