The agreement between FIDE and ACES EUROPE for the promotion of chess in schools in Europe was signed last night in Valencia, with the signatures of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumnzinov and FIDE Vice-President Ali Nihat Yazici and ACES Europe President Gian Francesco Lupattelli and Vice-President of the association John Swanson.
The Agreement was signed in the presence of the local authorities, the President of the Spanish Chess Federation Mr. Ochoa with Mr. Cuevas, the President of the Italian chess federation Mr. Pagnoncelli with Mr. Paulesu, GM Lexy Ortega and Alessandro Dominici, who helped Mr. Yazici in the organization of the meeting, and others guests.
The Agreement stands for the creation of European CIS Towns (CIS - “Chess in Schools”), as the part of “European Towns of Sport” Award - ACES EUROPE project which was recognized and supported by EU 10 years ago and has been running since.
After signing, the meeting was followed by a dinner during which the true spirit of the agreement and cooperation was evident with satisfaction for all: President Lupattelli officially handed over the invitation to FIDE for the next ACES EUROPE event on the 6th of November 2013 to be held in the European Parliament, and FIDE President Ilyumzinov replied inviting him to visit Moscow and the sports sector of the city.
Left to Rigt: Mr. Swanson, Vice President of ACES, Mr. Lupattelli, President of ACES, Mr. Ilyumzhinov, Mr. Yazici.
Dominicci, GM Lexy Ortega (Technical Director of Italian Chess Federation), Paulesu (CIS member of Italian Chess Federation), Mr. Lupattelli, Mr. Pagnoncelli (President of Italian Chess Federation), Mr. Ilyumzhinov, Mr. Yazici.
 Mr. Luis Cervera (Sport Director of Valencia Municipality), Mr. Grau (Couuncillor for Sport - Valencia), Mr. Cuevass, Mr. Lupattelli, Mr. Ilyumzhinov, Mr. Javier Ochoa, Mr. Yazici. 
Left to right: Mr. Yazici, Mr. Ilyumzhinov, Mr. Dominicci (Consultant to Chairman CIS), Mr. Javier Ochoa De Echaguen (President of Spanish Chess Federation and FIDE Executive Board Member), Mr. Francisco Cuevas (President of Valencia Chess Federation), Mr. Berik Balgabaev (Director of FIDE Moscow Office)