7th Chennai International Open |
Thursday, 23 October 2014 03:02 |

The 7th Chennai International Open Grandmaster Chess Tournament will take place from 30th December, 2014, to 6th January, 2015, at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai, India.
The event will consist of three sections: - Category A (for players rated over 1900), 10-round Swiss, 90 Minutes each plus 30 seconds increment from move 1 - Category B (under 1899), 10-round Swiss, 60 Minutes plus 30 seconds increment from move 1 - Category C (under 1599), 10-round Swiss, 30 Minutes plus 30 seconds increment from move 1
Total cash prize fund is Rs. 14, 00, 000/- (approx 18,000 EUR), with 2600 EUR reserved for the winner of Category A.
Last year winner was ultra-talented Aravindh Chithambaram
Category A
Eligibility: Players having the FIDE rating of 1900 & above (as on 1st December,2014) only are allowed to participate in this event however, General Secretary can allow four promising youngsters from Tamil Nadu with the rating below 1900 at his discretion.
Prizes: 1st Rs. 2,00,000/- 7th Rs. 30,000/- 13th Rs. 11,000/- 2nd Rs. 1,50,000/- 8th Rs. 20,000/- 14th – 15th Rs. 10,000/- 3rd Rs. 1,15,000/- 9th Rs. 15,000/- 16th – 20th Rs. 9,000/- 4th Rs. 85,000/- 10th Rs. 14,000/- 21st – 30th Rs. 8,000/- 5th Rs. 60,000/- 11th Rs. 13,000/- 31st – 50th Rs. 7,000/- 6th Rs. 40,000/- 12th Rs. 12,000/-
Please note that a Tax @ 20.6% (as per Indian income tax regulations ) will be deducted from the prize money to be awarded to Foreign Players.
Entry Fee: For GMs, IMs, WGMs, WIMs – Free Rated 2400 & above Rs. 3,000/- Rated 2300-2399 Rs.4,500/- Rated 1900-2299 Rs. 6,000/- Maximum entry for Tamil Nadu players Rs. 5000/- (No lodging will be provided for the Chennai and adjoining district players) The last date of entry: 19th Dec 2014 Entries with late fee of Rs. 500/- 20th Dec 2014 to 25th Dec 2014
Entries may be sent by DD favouring Tamil Nadu State Chess Association payable at Chennai. Address for sending the entries to: Tamil Nadu State chess Association, Room No.75, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Periamet, Chennai 600003. Phone: 04425384477, E-mail:
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Website: www.tamilchess.com
Accommodation: All GMs will be provided free hotel accommodation on double sharing basis. All IMs/WGMs/WIMs will be provided free hotel accommodation on double/triple sharing basis.
For further assistance please contact: Tamil Nadu State Chess Association, Hall No.75, JN Stadium, Chennai 600 003. Ph.04425384477, E-mail:
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Website: www.tamilchess.com Mr. S. Paul Arockiaraj, International Arbiter, Mob : +91 98404 58484 Mr. V. Vijajayaraghavan, International Arbiter, Joint Secretary, TNSCA. Mob : +91 94881 66077 Mr. R. Srivatsan, International Arbiter, Treasurer, TNSCA, Mob : +91 99520 47594 Mr. K. Thirukkalathy, International Arbiter, Asst. Treasurer, TNSCA. Mob : +91 9444215703 Mr. T. Jagadeesh, Joint Secretary, Chennai DCA, Mob : +91 95510 46464