Once a month a world-renowned tournament is conducted in Budapest. It provides budding players with an opportunity to test their skills and achieve title norms.
Carlsen, Sutovsky, Milov, Radjabov, Sofia Polgar, Nakamura have passed through the grinding mill of the tournament that has been running for 17 years now, organised by a former chemist in the Hungarian army.
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New Venue for FIRST SATURDAY Budapest tournament series for 2011After a successful Rating Tournament organized at
MEDOSZ Hotel Budapest, International Organizer
Laszlo Nagy has the pleasure to inform the chess world that
a one year contract has brought the
First Saturday Tournaments to a new venue beginning with 5th February 2011. At the same time we are glad to announce that
the 27th Budapest Spring Festival will be organized also at the new venue scheduled at 18th - 26th March 2011.