10th - 18th January 2009 in Antalya, Turkey
The Tournament
The 6th Mediterranean Men and Women Chess Championships will be held in Antalya, Turkey from Saturday 10th January 2009 (arrival) to Sunday 18th January 2009 (departure).
The tournament is kindly being organized once again under the aegis of the Turkish Chess Federation. We have ensured that the event is held for 2008 to ensure that we remain in line with the annual organization of these important Mediterranean events. Once again, several Grandmasters are expected to participate, so a strong competition is anticipated.
2.1 One player each for the Men and Women Championships nominated by each Mediterranean Federation as listed in the MCA statute. If a Federation wishes to have additional players participating, besides those qualified through the normal way and by right, it should apply to the Organizing Committee (see also para.5). A player can participate in the competition only after getting an official consent from the Organizing Federation.
2.2 All GM's who are from a MCA Member Federation, can participate in the competition after getting an official consent from their Federation. Transportation from Antalya National or International airport to the hotel and full board hotel accommodation in single rooms will be managed by the organizers free of charge.
Previous Champions
2003 1st Edition, Beirut - S.Kapnisis (Greece) and S.Collas (France)
2004 2nd Edition, Antalya - M.Erdogdu (Turkey) and V.Rozic (Slovenia)
2005* 3rd Edition, Kemer - S.Atalik (Turkey) and E.Atalik (Turkey)
2006* 4th Edition, Cannes - S.Atalik (Turkey) and Y.Dembo (Greece)
2007 5th Edition, Sousse - D.Doric (Croatia) and Ljillja Drljevic (Montenegro)
*Note : Organised in the beginning of the following year
The Registration Form/s shall be submitted to the General Secretary of the Mediterranean Chess Association by e-mail to the General Secretary, Mr Geoffrey Borg at
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by not later than 5th January 2008. If Federations or participants submit the registration form after the deadline they may have to pay for their accommodation.
Traveling Expenses and Airport Transfers
Traveling expenses shall be covered by the participating Federations or players. Transportation from the Antalya National or International airport to the hotel and back will be managed by organizers free of charge. Players and accompanying persons should notify the organizers of their travel arrangements.
Board and Lodging
The participants, one man and one woman nominated by each federation, will be provided with full board and lodging from dinner of 10th January 2009 to Breakfast of 18th January 2009. Any additional participant or accompanying person will have to pay for all their expenses by organizing committee. The accommodation will be provided in the 4 star Anatolia Beach Hotel located in Kemer / Antalya. The distance to the international Antalya Airport is 55 km. Please check website http://anatolia-beach.com
Entry Visa and Participant Details
All participants are requested to send one passport-size photo (jpeg) of their players, passport number, date and place of birth and residence to the Turkish Chess Federation until the 20th December. Please check with your Government or the Turkish Embassy in your country on the need or requirements for visas to Turkey.
Men and women will participate in one joint tournament. This will give more opportunity for norms. The Championships are organized as per the FIDE Rules in the FIDE Handbook under section D.V.01. The events will be conducted according to the Swiss System, 9 rounds. The time limit will be 90 minutes + 15 minutes + 30 seconds increment per move for each player. The games will be played using digital clocks.
The Championship winners will be awarded trophies and Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals respectively. The organisers are also please to announce cash prizes as follows.
The Prizes for Men: 1st 1,200 Euro, 2nd 900 Euro, 3rd 600 Euro, 4th 200 Euro
The Prizes for Women: 1st 500 Euro, 2nd 300 Euro, 3rd 200 Euro, 4th 100 Euro
Cash prizes will be split equally if there is more than one player qualifying for the cash prize. Women players who may rank in the first overall three places will be given a choice as to which prize and trophy they may wish, but no person may win more than one respective prize and trophy.
Tournament Director, Mr. Kuvay Sanlı +(90) 533 411 37 68 and Fax + (90) 312 310 96 20
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MCA General Secretary, Mr Geoffrey D Borg (356) 21434729 or (356) 99434729.
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