Guidelines for submission of documents regarding nominations of FIDE Presidential Candidates |
Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:42 |

According to Electoral Regulations:
1.1 The Presidential ticket shall be six persons, at least one of whom must be a woman. Nominations on the Presidential ticket shall specify the proposed nominees for the offices of FIDE President, Deputy President, General Secretary, Treasurer and two Vice Presidents.
1.2 Nominations for the Presidential ticket and Continental Presidents must reach the Secretariat at least three months before the opening of the General Assembly. Each ticket must be nominated by at least five member federations. The decision of the federation shall be communicated to FIDE by the federation's President. A federation is entitled to nominate only one Presidential ticket. FIDE is entitled to accept the authenticity of the nomination it receives and no nomination can be withdrawn once given. A person nominated on a Presidential ticket cannot also run on a Continental ticket.
1.3 Each Presidential Candidate shall present to the Secretariat the following documents within the deadline in Article 1.2: (a) the names of the persons included on the Presidential ticket with their positions (b) nominating letters by at least five federation Presidents (c) letters of confirmation of acceptance from each person on the ticket. The Secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the documents to each Presidential candidate.
The nomination and acceptance forms must be submitted to the FIDE Office, 9 Syggrou Ave., Athens, either in person or by fax +30 2109212859 or by scanned email to
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. They do not have to be originals and should be received prior to 17:00 Athens time, on 11th May, 2014 if they are sent by scanned email or fax or by 17:00 Athens time on 9th May, if they are submitted in person.
Letters of nomination by a Federation’s President can (i) either be communicated directly to FIDE Office by the nominating Federation’s President or (ii) be part of the file sent by the Presidential Candidate pursuant to art. 1.3(b).
The nomination and acceptance forms can be downloaded here:
As regards the procedure applicable to the nomination of Continental Presidents, the regulations of each of the Continental Associations shall apply. Nominations made in accordance with the regulations of the respective Continental Associations shall be provided to FIDE Secretariat within the deadline laid down in Art. 1.2 ER using the abovementioned form.
FIDE Secretariat