On February 27, making a working tour around the countries of Central America, the FIDE President arrived to El Salvador. At the airport he was met by the FIDE Zonal President Mr. Erick Hernandez, President of El Salvador CF Mr. Efrain Alexis Segura Valenzuela and Vice President Mr. Alvaro Huezo.

The working programme in San Salvador started with visiting the Salvadoran Institute of Sport (INDES). In most countries of American continent, this Institute fulfills the functions of Ministry of Sports. At the meeting, the INDES President Mr. Jaime Alberto Rodrigez Jimenez was accompanied by the officials of Physical Training Department of Ministry of Education. President Ilyumzhinov told about FIDE, its main programmes, in particular, CiS programme, cooperation between FIDE and El Salvador Chess Federation. The Ministry of Education is actively working with the national chess federation. Last year the Ministry spent $29 000 for 5285 chess sets which were allocated in 430 schools of the country. The Ministry has taken an active part in this project for 5 years already. The main problem is lack of professional specialists that is why at the present stage the teachers of Mathematics are recruited. The Ministry representatives showed interest to the suggestion of giving the opportunity for students to study chess in the Russian universities. At the meeting also present were FIDE Continental President for Americas Mr. Jorge Vega, FIDE President’s Assistant Mr. Berik Balgabaev and officials of El Salvador CF.

Then FIDE President participated in the press conference, answered numerous questions. It is worth mentioning that the journalists were well prepared asking the questions related not only to chess but also to the business projects, political activity, and actively discussed the foreign policy activity.

 After the press conference, FIDE President played blitz with Mr. Efrain Segura.

Later the FIDE delegation met with President of NOC Mr. Eduardo Palomo Pakas. Mr. Pakas is a member of IOC in Summer Olympic Games programme. He is well aware what circumstances the sports federations face when aspiring for their discipline to be included in the Summer Olympic Games programme. President of Salvadoran NOC promised to support FIDE in its endeavor on becoming a part of Olympic family and expressed the readiness to include chess in the programme of Central American games.

 After NOC FIDE President visited the office of El Salvador Chess Federation where the tournament was taking place.
 Playing blitz with 16 year old champion of El Salvador
THANK YOU LETTER from President of NOC Mr. Eduardo Palomo Pakas