FIDE Events Commission meeting in Graz |
Tuesday, 25 February 2014 10:24 |

The FIDE Events Commission held a meeting in Graz, Austria from 20 to 22 February 2014, as preparation for the 85th FIDE Congress.
The Commission evaluated the preparations for the FIDE World Chess Championships 2014 and decided on a program of supported actions and inspections. Various subjects about the tournament regulations were discussed and a number of proposals will come to the next FIDE Congress for approval.

The Commission was informed about the developments on the "Dress Code" project and set new targets in the marketing and media fields.
The Commission proposes to the FIDE Presidential Board an annual "ethics" award which will be named "Gligoric Trophy" in the memory of Serbian Grandmaster and Chess Legend.
On the occasion of the meeting in Graz, FIDE Events Commission awarded Prof. Kurt Jungwirth, President of the Austrian Federation, a special prize with the symbol of Olympic flame, in appreciation of his lifetime devotion to Chess, his contribution in the establishment of the European Chess Union, his long time service in the European Chess Union (ECU) and the World Chess Federation (FIDE).