Monday, 24 February 2014 14:12 |

The FIDE Arbiters’ Commission introduces the 2014 Arbiters’ Awards.
The Awards are referring to the long service of Arbiters as officials in FIDE major events (Long Service Meritorious Awards).
The requirements for an Arbiter to be awarded are: (a) to have obtained the IA title before 1979 (35 years of service as IA). (b) to have worked at least for three (3) times as official in FIDE major events (Olympiads, World Championships, World Cups).
Federations and individuals are kindly requested to send to the FIDE Arbiters’ Commission (Chairman Takis Nikolopoulos:
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and Secretary Dirk De Ridder:
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) their proposals for Arbiters who fulfill the above criteria, until 10 May 2014.
----- Takis Nikolopoulos Chairman FIDE Arbiters’ Commission