Thursday, 17 October 2013 12:21 |

The 84th FIDE Congress took place from 30th September to 10th October in Tallinn, hosted by the Estonian Chess Association. Prior to the Executive Board, there were six days of meetings of the various Commissions. Former FIDE World Champion, Garry Kasparov, announced and presented his ticket for the 2014 Presidential Elections in Tromso during this time.
Executive Board
The Estonian Chess Federation hosted an opening ceremony at which FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov thanked its President, Andrei Korobeinik for hosting the Congress.
FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov opened the Executive Board with a speech in which he highlighted his achievements over the years, contrasting the state of FIDE when he took over to the present situation. He also advised what he had done since the last Congress in Istanbul and announced that he was running for re-election in Tromso.
The Executive Board approved the Accounts for 2012 and the Proposed Amendments to Financial Regulations. Saudi Arabia, Tanzania and Timor-Leste's applications for membership were approved, bringing the total membership of FIDE to 180. They, however, will not have full voting rights until after the Presidential Elections in Tromso. David Jarrett's proposal to amend and restructure the FIDE handbook was approved. The proposal for the rapid and blitz rating of the players in a combined list for the new FIDE online zone and over the board play was approved. FIDE Presidential Board is authorized to decide in respect of all technical details and other important issues regarding the online playing zone.
The proposed changes in the Laws of Chess were approved with several amendments. Anti-cheating measures were discussed and a full report will be presented to the FIDE Commission on Anti-Cheating. Porto Carras was chosen as the host of the World Youth Championships. The FIDE President's proposal to appoint Mr Geurt Gijssen as an Honorary Member of FIDE was approved.
Extraordinary General Assembly
The Electoral Commission containing Ank Santens, Geoffrey Borg and Paris Klerides reported on the proxies and advised that certain amendments to the Statutes should be made to clarify electoral practices. These were unanimously approved by the Assembly with two amendments.
The Continents elected the following as their members of the Electoral Commission for Tromso:
Africa- Mwinde Muchimba Americas - Darcy Lima Asia - Bharat Singh Europe - Andrei Korobeinik
The Extraordinary General Assembly unanimously elected Margaret Murphy as Chairman of the Electoral Commission, with the other three candidates withdrawing before the vote.
FIDE President thanked the Commissions, the Executive Board and the General Assembly for their work and looked forward to Chennai and the world Championship Match.
There was a closing ceremony, where Mr Andrei Korobeink advised that this was the largest Sporting Board meeting in Estonia's history and that Estonia was hoping to host future major FIDE events. Mr Taavi Kotka, the Secretary General in the Estonian Ministry looking after IT explained the e-elections in which Estonia leads the World. Mr Nigel Freeman, the FIDE Treasurer and Executive Director thanked the Estonian Chess Federation for its hospitality and looked forward to more FIDE events in the beautiful capital, Tallinn.