FIDE WWCC Match - Hou Yifan is World Champion Print
Friday, 20 September 2013 10:05
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Hou Yifan wins the FIDE Women's World Chess Championship Match.

The FIDE Women's World Chess Championship Match was officially closed on 23rd of September 2013 during the awarding ceremony in Taizhou. You can find the pictures from closing ceremony and interviews with World Champion Hou Yifan and second of Anna Ushenina, former World Champion Alexander Khalifman (in English and Russian).

(Pictures by Anastasiya Karlovich)

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Round 7

SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
2 GM Hou, Yifan 2609 1-0 GM Ushenina, Anna 2500

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Match score after Round 7

Hou, Yifan CHN 5½
Ushenina, Anna UKR 1½

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Round 6

SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
1 GM Ushenina, Anna 2500 0-1 GM Hou, Yifan 2609

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Match score after Round 6

Hou, Yifan CHN 4½
Ushenina, Anna UKR 1½

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Round 5: draw in 61 moves

The fifth game of the Women’s World Championship Match also finished in a draw. According to regulations and drawing of colors, Hou Yifan had white pieces for the second time in a raw. Once again Keres Attack appeared on the board and both teams seemed ready for theoretical battle. It was Anna Ushenina who chose another line compare to the previous game, nevertheless, as in the fourth round, the game was transferred to the ending quite quickly. Anna Ushenina managed to get quite promising position but missed her chance to fight for advantage after 21…Rh4. Hou Yifan was defending precisely and didn’t give another chance to her opponent.

SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
2 GM Hou, Yifan 2609 1/2-1/2 GM Ushenina, Anna 2500

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Match score after Round 5

Hou, Yifan CHN 3½
Ushenina, Anna UKR 1½


Round 4

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The fourth game of the Women’s World Championship Match finished in a draw. Sicilian, Keres Attack appeared in the game and already after 14 moves the queens were traded. Former World Champion could have tried to create more problems for her opponent to solve but preferred playing without risk and the game finished in a draw after three-time repetition. Every draw brings the challenger closer to her goal, while the World Champion needs to start seeking victories to catch up with Hou Yifan. After 4 games Hou Yifan is leading with 3 points. Anna Ushenina has 1 point. On the 16th of September the players have a rest day. The match will continue on the 17th of September. Hou Yifan will have white pieces again. The measure of changing the colors after the fourth game has a goal to prevent the same player to have white pieces after each of the rest days throughout the match because this might give her an advantage in preparation.

SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
1 GM Hou, Yifan 2609 ½-½ GM Ushenina, Anna 2500

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Round 3

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SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
1 GM Ushenina, Anna 2500 0-1 GM Hou, Yifan 2609

Hou Yifan won the third game of the Women’s World Championship Match and is now two points ahead of Anna Ushenina. Although both opponents seemed well-prepared in the sharp line of Nimzo-Indian, Black’s 15...Rc8 forced World Champion to sink into deep thought. After 40 minutes Anna came out with dubious decision which turned out to be the start of her troubles. Hou Yifan didn’t miss her chance to fight for initiative, made few very precise decisions and after 24 moves the game was over.

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Round 2

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Round 2 results

SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
2 GM Hou, Yifan 2609 ½-½ GM Ushenina, Anna 2500

The second game of the Women’s World championship match finished in a draw after 33 moves and 2,5 hours of play. Hou Yifan had white pieces and decided to play somewhat new in compared to previous games against Anna Ushenina’s Sicilian. Soon Sveshnikov variation appeared on the board and the challenger didn’t manage to get any edge out of the opening. After many exchanges the game was converted into the drawish ending. After 2 games the score is 1, 5:0,5 in favor of Hou Yifan. On the 13th of September the players have a rest day.

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Round 1: Hou Yifan draws first blood


SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo.
1 GM Ushenina, Anna 2500 0-1 GM Hou, Yifan 2609

The clock in the first game of FIDE World Women’s Chess Championship Match has started at 3 PM on the 11th of September. The first move 1. d4 of Anna Ushenina was done by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the replying 1….Nf6 of Hou Yifan was made by director of Taizhou sports bureau Ge Zhihui. Anna Ushenina managed to get pleasant advantage with white pieces in the first game of the Women’s world championship match but spent too much time in the opening and didn’t find the precise way to make more troubles for her opponent. The position was about equal when Women’s world champion lost the track and let her opponent to get a dangerous contra play on the king’s side. Hou Yifan moved her knight from unfortunate square b7 to g5 to help in decisive attack on the White’s king. The first game has finished after 41 moves. 


Women’s World Chess Championship Match 2013 between the current World Champion Anna Ushenina of Ukraine and challenger, Hou Yifan of China (former World Champion 2010-2012), will be held from 10th till 28 of September at the Taizhou Hotel (Taizhou, China).

The time control is: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one. The winner of the ten-game match is the first player to reach 5.5 points or more. If the scores are level after the regular ten games, the match will be decided on tie-break.

The prize fund for this match is 200,000 Euros and will be split between the players as follows: 60% for the winner and 40% to the loser if the match ends within the 10 regular games. In case the winner is decided by tie-break games, she will receive 55% and loser 45%.

Anna Ushenina is holding the title after 2012 Women World Championship in Khanty-Mansiysk while Hou Yifan had a right to challenge her after she became first in the Grand Prix Series 2011-2012. 

Official website




The opening ceremony of the match was held in the future playing venue at the Taizhou Hotel on 10th of September. Xiao Min, the vice-president of Chinese Olympic Committee and Assistant Director of National Sports Bureau, declared the Women’s World Championship Match open.

The drawing of the color of the first game was the important moment of the ceremony. FIDE Vice President Mr. Chu Bo was offered to choose from two red boxes and found the name of Hou Yifan. That meant she was the one to choose from two other boxes which hided black and white queens inside. Hou Yifan got a black queen – this means that the World Champion Anna Ushenina will have white pieces in the first game.

Yang Junan, the President of Chinese Chess Association welcomed everybody in Taizhou and pointed out that Taizhou is a city with chess traditions. “Through years’ development, under the lead of government and chess association, chess in Taizhou is very popular and contributes a lot to the development of chess in China. Here also comes out many excellent chess players among whom Hou Yifan is the outstanding representative. I believe that this event held in Taizhou will further raise the reputation of Taizhou and promote chess in this city,” said Yang Junan.

FIDE President Kirsan Iljumzhinov congratulated everybody with the start of the Match, expressed his gratitude to Ms. Xiao Min, the Vice president of Chinese Olympic Committee and Assistant Director of National Sports Bureau, the Mayor of Taizhou city Mr. Xu Guoping, FIDE Vice-President Mr. Chu Bo, the President of Chinese Chess Association Mr.Yang Junan, for the attention which chess receives here.

After the opening ceremony the Women’s world champion Anna Ushenina, FIDE President Kirsan Iljumzhinov and guests were invited for the excursion to impressive China Medical City.

In the evening the World champion Anna Ushenina and challenger Hou Yifan inspected the playing venue and checked the lighting. The Chief Arbiter Panagiotis Nikolopoulos drew the attention of the participants to time control, "zero tolerance" rule and the absence of any restrictions concerning draw offer. The members of the Appeals Committee Chairman Jorge Vega, David Jarett and FIDE Supervisor Ali Nihat Yazici were introduced to players.

The first game will start at 3 p.m. local time on 11th of September.

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FIDE Women's World Chess Championship starts on 10th of September 2013.

Women's World Chess Championship Match 2013 between the current World Champion Anna Ushenina of Ukraine and her challenger, Hou Yifan of China (former World Champion 2010-2012), is scheduled to start on 101h of September in the Taizhou Hotel (Taizhou, China).

The drawing of colours will be conducted during the opening ceremony which will take place at 3 p.m. on 10th of October in the Taizhou Hotel, and the colours reversed after game four (the player getting the white colour in game one plays game five with the black pieces). The time control is: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

The winner of the ten-game match is the first player to reach 5.5 points or more. If the scores are level after the regular ten games, after a new drawing of colours, four tie-break games will be played, with 25 minutes for each player and an increment of ten seconds after each move.

If the scores are level after the four rapid games, then, after a new drawing of colours, a match of two games will be played with a time control of five minutes plus three seconds' increment after each move. In case of a level score, another two-game match will be played to determine a winner. If there is still no winner after five such matches (i.e. after ten games), one sudden-death game will be played. This involves a drawing of lots, the winner being able to choose the colour. The player with the white pieces receives five minutes, the player with the black pieces four minutes, with an increment of three seconds per move from move 61 on. In case of a draw, the player with the black pieces is declared the winner.

The prize fund for this match is 200,000 Euros and will be split between the players as follows: 60% for the winner and 40% to the loser if the match ends within the 10 regular games. In case the winner is decided by tie-break games, she will receive 55% and loser 45%.

Anna Ushenina is holding the title after 2012 Women World Championship in Khanty-Mansiysk while Hou Yifan had a right to challenge her after she became first in the Grand Prix Series 2011-2012.

Anna Ushenina and Hou Yifan played their first game in 2006 during World Chess Olympiad (Turin, Italy) and the game ended in a draw. In 2007 another peace was signed during Russian team championship. Hou Yifan took the lead in their encounter in 2007-2008 when she won three games in a raw. However, in the end of 2008 Anna Ushenina managed to outplay Chinese prodigy during the European Club Cup. Another draw in 2009 and the players stopped meeting over the board for the next 4 years, till 2013! Anna Ushenina defeated Hou Yifan with black pieces in their last encounter during Geneva Grand Prix.

Games between these two have been consistently hard-fought. Hou Yifan is one point ahead according to overall results. For her part, hoverer, Anna Ushenina played 7 out of 8 games with Black and has victory in their last game at Geneva GP in 2013.

According to FIDE rating Hou Yifan (2609) holds the second position among women after Judit Polgar. Anna Ushenina (2500) is on 17th place.

The last game in Geneva GP:

The official hotel and playing venue:

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