Wednesday, 31 July 2013 12:31 |
 Celebration Years – nominations
The Presidential Board asked us to prepare a list of nominations for the next 5 years for "The year of …..". After considering various anniversaries it was decided to propose the following:
2011 Mikhail Botvinnik (World Champion 1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963) - 100 years anniversary of birth
2012 Bobby Fischer (World Champion 1972-1975) - 40 years anniversary of becoming World Champion
2013 Elisabeth Bykova (Women's World Champion 1953-1956, 1958-1962) - 100 years anniversary of birth
2014 Emanuel Lasker (World Champion 1894-1921) - 120 years anniversary of becoming World Champion
2015 Aron Nimzowitsch - 80 years since death
2016 Paul Keres - 100 years anniversary of birth
We decided to recommend 6 years ahead as 2016 seemed clear to us.
Ignatius Leong David Jarrett