FIDE TRG 100 by FST & IM Jovan Petronic, TRG Councilor. 18 June 2013
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) proudly announces completing one hundred FIDE Trainers’ Seminars for FIDE Trainers’ Titles (2004-2013)!
Fact-sheet 10:
1. FIDE TRG: http://www.fide.com/fide/directory/fide-commissions.html?comid=22&task=committee TRG functions among 21 FIDE Commissions (19) and FIDE Special Projects (2), with twenty-one members, world-renowned in the sport of chess, and specialized in the field of chess training.
2. TRG micro-site: http://trainers.fide.com TRG maintains an active site with regularly updated information on chess training matters.
3. Of 178 FIDE Chess Federations, 129 (72%) have at least one official trainer registered. With a total of 2,168 registered trainers worldwide at seminars hosted in 49 countries and 71 cities, major supporters are presently: Greece (218), India (148), Turkey (113), South Africa (85), Cuba (62), Spain (56), Lybia (50), Philippines (49), Vietnam (47), Iraq (46), Russia (46), etc. Of the 2,168 registered trainers, 1,314 (61%) are licensed, and 705 (33%) pending FIDE Trainers’ license renewal.
4. All TRG seminars are conducted by Lecturers / Seminar Leaders, with the majority being FST (FIDE Senior Trainer) title holders. All Lecturers / Seminar Leaders are highly skilled professionals, each with many years of experience in the chess training field. They combine the expertise of a professional trainer and expert practitioner, offering proven teaching and facilitation skills that will ensure an active and participatory learning experience.
5. FIDE Trainers’ Seminars for FIDE Trainers’ Titles aim to share chess training expertise and certify successful chess trainers with FIDE titles (in order of chess expertise): FIDE Trainer (FT), FIDE Instructor (FI), National Instructor (NI), and Development Instructor (DI). 442 FT, 633 FI, 386 NI, and 440 DI titles have been awarded, after FIDE PB, EB, or GA approvals of individual seminar results.
6. FIDE Handbook maintains online Regulations for the Titles of Trainers: http://www.fide.com/component/handbook/?id=42&view=category
7. FIDE TRG Trainers’ Seminars for FIDE Trainers’ Titles are organised with either a 30hr or a 15hr programme. Seminars are conducted using the “FIDE Trainers’ Commission Chess Syllabus”, followed by an examination. Foreword excerpt by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: “This book is a comprehensive manual for trainers. It fulfills a considerable need in modern chess literature, concentrating on the technical side of the game but also covering such topics as physical and psychological factors. The best trainers have contributed to the book, which is an essential tool in the preparation of trainers at all levels for the future. It will ensure that the next generation of players will be at a great advantage over those that have gone before.”
8. All registered trainers are encouraged to check their title and financial status via http://trainers.fide.com/licensed-trainers.html, which is regularly updated.
9. All licensed trainers among other benefits receive TRG publications free of charge (such as the FIDE Trainers’ Commission Chess Yearbook with FIDE Trainers’ Chess Surveys), which are posted by mail to their respective FIDE Chess Federations. All registered trainers are sent via Chess Federations their FIDE Diplomas, Pins, and Badges.
10. The FIDE Trainers' Commission (TRG) welcomes all chess trainers' questions via http://trainers.fide.com/questions-a-answers.html
Do you wish to organize a FIDE Trainers’ Seminar for FIDE Trainers’ Titles? We @ TRG are ready and eager to help you in every way possible! All details with all related documents are provided online via http://trainers.fide.com/seminars.html!