List of Decisions of the 2013 2nd quarter FIDE PB |
Monday, 13 May 2013 09:18 |

2013 2nd quarter Presidential Board meeting Decisions
2PB-2013/1. To approve Treasurer’s report and other recommendations. 2PB-2013/2. To reject Mr. Danailov’s proposal. 2PB-2013/3. To approve the proposal of Mr. Makropoulos to authorize the FIDE President to take the personal decision as to whether to terminate the contract with Agon. 2PB-2013/4. To approve the proposal of Mr. Jarrett on the new structure of FIDE Handbook. 2PB-2013/5. To accept the report of Mr. Jarrett on the FIDE Handbook. 2PB-2013/6. To approve the QC recommendations for over-the-board titles. 2PB-2013/7. To accept the ARB report. 2PB-2013/8. To approve the ARB recommendation for Arbiters titles. 2PB-2013/9. To approve the organization of an Arbiters seminar in Hebrew. 2PB-2013/10. To advise ARB on cancellation of the language provision in their regulations regarding the organization of seminars. 2PB-2013/11. To accept the TRG report with exceptions. 2PB-2013/12. To approve the trainers’ titles. 2PB-2013/13. To approve the proposal of Mr. Makropoulos to request explanations from the Bahrain and US Chess Federations regarding their refusal to approve chess academies. 2PB-2013/14. To accept the Technical Commission report. 2PB-2013/15. To approve the proposal of Mr. Makropoulos to send both texts (following the meeting in Athens and the one from Mr. Reuben) to all Federations and publish them on the FIDE website. To inform the Commission to bring the final proposal for the Executive Board meeting. 2PB-2013/16. To accept the WOM report. 2PB-2013/17. To accept the CIS report. 2PB-2013/18. To contact ETH Chairman requesting the present situation regarding pending cases. 2PB-2013/19. To approve the IO titles. 2PB-2013/20. To accept the EVE report. 2PB-2013/21. To publish new text on Registration and Licencing on the FIDE website for comments. 2PB-2013/22. To approve Mr. Kutin’s proposal on the celebration of the FIDE 90th anniversary. Mr. Gelfer to contact Tromso 2014 Olympiad organisers in this respect. 2PB-2013/23. To accept the report of Social Actions Commission. 2PB-2013/24. To accept the report of Social Projects Commission. 2PB-2013/25. To award the organization of the 2013 World Championship match Anand-Carlsen to Chennai, India (one abstention). 2PB-2013/26. To award the organization of the 2013 Women’s World Championship match Ushenina-Hou Yifan to Tai Zhou, China. 2PB-2013/27. To create an ad hoc Committee to discuss anti-cheating measures. 2PB-2013/28. To publish the proposal of Mrs. B. Marinello on the FIDE website for comments from Federations. 2PB-2013/29. To open a bidding procedure for the 2017 World Cup. 2PB-2013/30. To approve the 2014 Candidates Tournament regulations. 2PB-2013/31. To approve the change of dates for the Khanty-Mansiysk Women’s Grand Prix leg. 2PB-2013/32. To note the PB meetings – Chennai, November 2013, Khanty-Mansiysk – April 2014. 2PB-2013/33. To organize the 2013 FIDE Congress in Tallinn, Estonia, 30 September – 10 October 2013. 2PB-2013/34. To award the organization of World Rapid and Blitz Championship 2014 to Dubai, UAE, 15-22 June 2014. 2PB-2013/35. To accept the report of Continental President for Europe. 2PB-2013/36. To accept the report of Continental President for Americas. 2PB-2013/37. To approve Mr. Petrucci’s report. 2PB-2013/38. To accept the report of Continental President for Asia. 2PB-2013/39. To accept the report of Continental President for Africa. 2PB-2013/40. To approve the proposal of Continental President for Asia regarding players from Oman to play under Asian flag. 2PB-2013/41. To approve the proposal of Mrs. Marinello to create an ad hoc Committee of Mrs. Marinello and Messrs. Freeman, Jungwirth and Kutin to work out criteria for the World Chess Hall of Fame induction.