Thursday, 28 February 2013 10:31 |

FIDE President together with Ali Nihat Yazici, FIDE Vice President, visited Valencia, Spain, where they participated in the opening of the city chess club. At the opening also present were Javier Ochoa de Echaguen, President of Spanish Chess Federation, Cristobal Grau Munoz, Adviser on Sport of Valencia City Hall, Francisco Сuevas, President of Valencia Chess Federation, and Jose Garzon, Valencian researcher. The chess researcher Jose Garzon wrote a book ‘proving’ that Valencia is an origin of modern chess in Europe. According to Garzon’s researches the documentary records of chess are dated from 1475. The author made a presentation devoted to this to the FIDE guests. The presentation was followed by the press conference where Jose Garzon produced illustrated book and presented a copy to the FIDE President. Afterwards an agreement on cooperation between FIDE and the European Capitals of Sports Association was signed in Valencia City hall.

 An Agreement was signed by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and ACES President Gian Francesco Lupatelli
