WOM Report – Presidential Board January 2013
Online FIDE Arbiter Seminar
The Online FIDE Arbiter Seminar was held from October 9th to 14th were 37 women participated from 11 different countries. 23 Participants took the examination test and the following succeeded:
1. Adriana Sarmiento |
Colombia |
2. Miriam Montes de Oca |
Venezuela |
3. Aidalina Sánchez |
Nicaragua |
4. Lilia López |
México |
5. Omayra Aybar |
Dominican Republic |
6. Mireya Pereira |
Venezuela |
Online Mastering Swiss Manager
The Online Mastering Swiss Manager is to train future or current arbiter to master the Swiss Manager. The training is held for 3 months and includes theory practice and examinations. 34 women participate from 11 different countries
Arbiter Seminar - Cuba
The FIDE Arbiter Seminar was held in La Habana from November 14th to 18th. 32 women participated from 3 countries – Cuba, Ecuador and Costa Rica and the following succeeded in the examinations:
1. Ivette Catala |
Cuba |
2. Sonia Batista |
Cuba |
3. Miladys Rodríguez |
Cuba |
4. Bexy Díaz |
Cuba |
5. María Cristina Rafoso |
Cuba |
6. Roquelina Fandino |
Cuba |
7. Tania Badalona |
Cuba |
Increasing the number of qualify women arbiter is also one of our priorities.
In the upcoming years we need to have at least 20% of the arbiters in International and Official FIDE Chess Tournaments to be women!
FIDE Trainer Seminar - Cuba
The FIDE Trainer Seminar was held in La Habana from November 14 th to 18 th. 42 women participated from 4 countries – Cuba, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Mexico the following titles were awarded (After approval of the Presidential Board):
Development Instructor |
12 |
National Instructor |
14 |
FIDE Instructor |
11 |
FIDE Trainer |
4 |
More details can be find here: http://trainers.fide.com/images/stories/downloads/TRG_Seminars_2012/FTS-HAB_2012-Results_Letter.pdf
Seminar had a success participation and gave a unique opportunity to qualify trainers to get certify. We still need to work in increasing women trainers and in that way we will increase the number of female players as well.
Promotional Tour - Honduras
The WOM selected WGM Carolina Lujan from Argentina to promote chess among girls and women in Honduras from December 16th to 20th and and together with the Honduras Chess Federation organized the following events:
Training the top female players Simultaneous exhibitions Conferences motivating young girls Meeting with the President of the Honduran Olympic Committee Interviews (media, TV, radio, newspaper) Visiting schools Meeting with the Argentinian Ambassador in Honduras
The visit to Honduras was a complete success, were not only women were motivated and supported but also chess was publicize in all national medias during WGM Lujan stay. Pictures can be found at the last part of the report.
Promotional Tour - Asia The WOM selected GM Hou Yifan to be the role model in the Asian promotion tour. The visits were held last days of December, so we will present it on our next report. Specially thanks for the support in organizing the events to Mr. Ignatius Leong.
Training with the TOP Paraguayan Women Players - Paraguay
WGM Martha Fierro was in Asuncion, Paraguay for a FIDE TRAINER Seminar and took the opportunity to program together with the Paraguayan Chess Federation some special training sessions with the top female players in Paraguay.
Conference “Women in Chess” - Mexico
WGM Martha Fierro was in Merida, Mexico for a FIDE TRAINER Seminar and during the free day of the Seminar organized together with the Mexican Chess Federation and the Yucatan Chess Association a conference “Women in Chess” were many girls and women participated.
Promotional Tour in Honduras

Simultaneous Exhibition
 Interview with a TV Channel
 Top Women Players
 President of Honduran Olympic Committee
FIDE Trainers' & Arbiters' Seminar - Cuba
 Participants of the FIDE Trainers' Seminar
 FIDE Arbiters' Seminar
Training with the TOP Paraguayan Women Players
 Top Women Players
 Olympic Women Team
Conference "Women in Chess" - Mexico
