WCOC recommendations approved by the Presidential Board |
Monday, 25 February 2013 11:26 |

WCOC recommendations to FIDE Presidential Board
1. Minimum Prize Fund (net to the players before local taxes) for all Continental Championships which are part of the World Championship Cycle, starting from 2014: Europe: 150,000 EUR (75,000 EUR for women) Asia: 50,000 USD (25,000 USD for women) Americas: 50,000 USD (25,000 USD for women) Africa: 20,000 USD (10,000 USD for women)
In case the above minimum amounts cannot be provided by the Continents, FIDE may decide to hold a qualifying event for the respective qualifying spots ofeach continent.
2. Regulations of Continental Championships which are part of the World Championship Cycle should be submitted to FIDE for approval at least 9 months before the event starts together with proposals by each Continent for Chief Arbiter and Appeals Committee. Final nomination of Chief Arbiter and Appeals Committee will be given by FIDE.
3. For WCC cycle events (including continentals and zonals), the “no draw offer” rule applies only for the first 30 moves, except events organized with theswiss system where no kind of “no draw offer” rule shall be applied. Also no more than one game per day is allowed in WCC cycle events (including continentals and zonals) except tie-break matches.
4. Appeals Committee members of WCOC events should be appointed as a priority among FIDE PB members.
5. The World Cup qualifiers by rating shall be taken by all published rating lists covering the games played in all the 12 months of the calendar year before the World Cup.
6. The dates for the World Championship Match are confirmed as published: 6-26 Nov ‘13.
7. For wild card team in World Team Championships: to abolish the top-16 requirement for President's nominee in regulations.
8. For the World Team Championships 2015 a call for bids with a deadline for 31 January '13.
9. The minimum bank guarantee from Olympiad organisers should be doubled to 2m euros.
10. For the Feller case, WCOC is proposing the following: a) all players who lost rating points to Feller in the Olympiad should have them given back, b) to ask Feller to return his prize money and then to be distributed to the other players (ie 2nd player takes 1st place, 3rd player takes 2nd place and 4th player takes 3rd place), c) to ask Feller to return his gold medal and then all to be distributed to the other players (ie 2nd player takes gold medal, 3 rd player takes silver medal and 4th player takes bronze medal).
11. For the Baron - Safarli game in Plovdiv 2012, the WCOC recommendsthat FIDE PB accepts the appeal of ACP on behalf of both players to be given back their rating points (5 rating points each). The three-time repetition is included in the Laws of Chess and it is not a violation. There is no need to change the result of the games, as it is already recorded and not crucial, but the players should get back their rating points which were unfairly deducted from them due to this wrong decision of the arbiters.
12. The bidding procedure of the Women's World Championship Match 2013 shall be opened with a deadline of 29 March ‘13 for bids.