Ali Nihat YAZICI - FIDE Vice President: I have visited India from 17 February 2013 till 22nd February 2013. I was always admiring the great chess country. It was my dream to be there and to see with my eyes, what was happening with Indian Chess. As you know, All India Chess Federation is an admiral ship of FIDE management. India is the motherland of chess, where game was born in history. I may tell you that from beginning with visa procedure till my return back, (sorry to all other countries including Turkey), this was the best hospitality I have seen in my life. I thank to everyone, especially, Mr. Sundar, Mr. Singh, Mr. Dongre for their arrangements for that hospitality. I will go those heroes later one by one.
My report will be in three sections: Pune-Arrival (Maharashtra State) , Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh State), Delhi – return (Delhi State)
I will give information time by time on those reports, about India, states and my feelings.
As you know, India has a population of 1,205 billion. 250 million children between 5 and 14 age is the figure by the end of 2012. This is one of the reason of this visit.  The second crowded country in the world with a field of 3,287,263 sq km. Country consists of 28 states under a federal republic system. I have visited only three of them as given above.
Before going to the first part of the report, last but not the least India does have the title of World Champion GM Viswanathan ANAND.
Pune-Arrival (Maharashtra State) (report has been written by GM Abhijit Kunte. I will make some inserts with commentation when it is necessary.
Mr.Ali Nihat YAZICI's Visit to Pune Mr. Ali Nihat Yazici, Vice President of FIDE and Chairman of FIDE CiS Commission visited Pune on 17 th and 18 th February 2013 to promote and exchange ideas about Chess in School Program. He was accompanied by Mr. Ravindra Dongre, Treasurer of AICF, Chairman of Maharashtra Chess Association (MCA) and FIDE CiS Commission Member. Both of them were welcomed in Pune by GM Abhijit Kunte, Commissioner of MCA-CIS. A function was arranged where Mr. Ali was the Guest of Honor on 17 th February 2013 at the English Learning Institute of Symbiosis (ELTIS). He was accompanied by Mr. Ravindra Dongre, GM Abhijit Kunte, Dr. Satish Thigale, Director of MCA-CIS and FIDE CiS Commission Member, Mr. Girish Chitale, Director of MCA-CIS and Mr. Ram Jadhavrao, Vice President of Pune District Chess Circle (PDCC). The function was attended by the members of MCA, MCA-Chess in School and PDCC.    Mr.Ali being felicitated in a traditional way with a shawl, a Puneri Pagadi and a citiation. Presented by (L-R): Prof.Dr.Satish Thigale, Mr.Ram Jadhavrao, Mr.Ravindra Dongre, GM Abhijit Kunte and Mr.Girish Chitale. The title holding players as well as certified arbiters were felicitated by Mr. Ali  WGM Esha Karavade felicitated by Mr. Ali  WGM Soumya Swaminathan felicitated by Mr. Ali  FA Moreshwar Bhagwat felicitated by Mr. Ali Presentations about the ‘Chess in School program of MCA’ and the ‘Problems faced during the Chess in School Program in Maharashtra’ were given by Mr. Girish Chitale and Dr. Satish Thigale respectively.   After Presentation of MCA, Mr. Ali spoke about the ‘Chess in School Experience of FIDE’ and ‘Expectations from the Affiliates’. All the members were enthralled and learned a lot from the dynamic speech of Mr. Ali. An ‘Open Discussion Forum’ took place where Mr. Ali answered the doubts and questions of the members. The function was followed by dinner at the PYC Hindu Gymkhana.  Dignitaries with the attendees at the function. (Comment of ANY: What is the most important difference of India from other chess federations in the world? You will find the answer later at the end of the report) On 18 th February 2013, Mr. Ali along with Mr. Dongre and GM Abhijit Kunte visited Jnana Prabodhini School and were welcomed by Mr. Milind Naik, Principal of Jnana Prabodhini Prashala. The Chess in School program is being run in this school. (Comment of ANY: The School is a high intelligent, genius, children school, principal Dr.Naik, was graduated from the same school as well)
 Dr.Milind Naik (principal of Jnana Pabodhini Prashala, he has M.Sc, M.Ed, Ph.D., D.S.M.) welcoming Mr. Ali Nihat Yazici and other dignitaries The Mayor of Pune, Mrs. Vaishali Bankar was the Guest of Honor along with Mr. Ali for the function.  Dr.Milind Naik felicitating the Mayor of Pune, Mrs. Vaishali Bankar  Dr.Milind Naik felicitating the Ali Nihat Yazici Two students from the school expressed their views and experiences of the Chess in School Program. (Ali and Dongre on picture)  Students expressing their views about the CIS program The best students, one boy and one girl, were awarded with a trophy by Mr. Ali and the Mayor of Pune.  The Mayor of Pune, Mrs. Viashali Bankar awarding the 'Best Player' award Mr. Ali awarding the 'Best Player' award Mr. Ali spoke with the students and shared his experiences of Chess in School with them. The principal of the school showed him around the campus and the classrooms.  