FIDE Vice President visits Iran |
Tuesday, 05 February 2013 14:35 |
 FIDE CiS Chairman and FIDE Vice-President Ali Nihat Yazici has made an official visit to Iranian capital, Tehran, on the 30-31 of January. The purpose of the meeting was to coordinate the activities concerning chess in schools project in Iran. The President of Iran Chess Federation Mohammad Jafar Kambuzia welcomed the distinguished guest with famous Iranian hospitality.
Official Visit to Sport and Youth Ministry
 Left to right: Dr.Hamid Sajadi, Hadi Karimi, Mohammad Jafar Kambuzia, Ali Nihat Yazıcı
First official meeting was held on the 30th of January in Sport and Youth Ministry. Yazici, Kambuzia and the General Secretary of ICF, Mr.Hadi Karimi have visited Dr. Hamid Sajadi,Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport of Iran.
Dr.Hamid Sajadi, Deputy Minister of Sport and Youth of IranDr. Sajadi is a famous Iranian ex-athlete who had achieved a lot of success in different international competitions during his career as a runner. He still holds some junior and adult records in various distances. More information: course such a national hero who knows the needs of sport, supports chess activities in Iran. The meeting was very fruitful and parties have discussed how the Iranian Chess may be improved to a higher level.A few words about chess in Iran for those who may not know. IRCF (Iran Chess Federation) is one of the leading federations in the world. The national team of Iran has made a great success finishing the 40th Chess Olympiad in Istanbul at the 9th place! Iran has 8 GMs, 2 WGMs and 68 titled players in total.Federation Centre: IRCF has a fantastic building at the centre of Tehran. The main federation building has more than 1600 square meters in space, and with hotel and swimming pool in the same complex the total space used by federation is 3600 Sq Meters. In the IRCF Complex there is also a sport hotel that belongs to the federation. With a budget of 1,2 million USD, it is clear that the federation is in the safe hands and is managed on the highest level.
Indeed a lot was done by the President of IRCF, and FIDE VP Mr.Kambuzia till the year of 2000. And after 10 years’ break he returned to the seat to continue his excellent leadership of Iranian Chess.
Mohammad Jafar Kambuzia, The President of Iranian Chess Federation, Vice President of FIDE Main entrance
View from main street
Swimming Pool
SaunaDuring Yazici’s visit, the main topic of discussion was Chess in Schools acitivities in Iran and the ways to explore it to the new horizons. As everyone knows, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has launched a new Chess in School Program in 2010, and nominated Ali Nihat YAZICI as the Chairman of Chess in School Commission of FIDE.Press Conference on 31st January in FederationYazici, Kambuzia and Karimi have organised a press conference on 31st January in Iranian Chess Federation. The conference hall was crowded with journalists. The main topics in conference were: Iranian Chess, Chess in Schools and possible top level events to be organised in Iran. FIDE delegate of the Iranian Chess Federation, Mr.Mehrdad Pehlivanzadeh has joined the Press Conference as well.   The media who reported on a this conference (in Persian language) are given below: FIDE has found sponsorship from Rosneft Oil Company and spent approximately 1 million USD for CIS program in 2012.CIS websites: ; and are running in ten languages. |