FIDE President congratulated the President of Ukraine on the victory of Anna Ushenina Print
Saturday, 01 December 2012 14:39
news 4

On the 1st December 2012 Anna Ushenina (Ukraine) became a new Women's World Chess Champion. FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov personally attended the tie-break of the final game of the Championship. After the press conference FIDE President made a phone call to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to congratulate him on the victory of the Ukrainian athlete Anna Ushenina in the Women's World Chess Championship in Khanty-Mansiysk. The two sides also discussed the organisational issues on the honoring ceremony of the new Women's World Chess Champion in Kiev.

Viktor Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine

FIDE President watching the final tie-break

фотография 5
Last moments of the match

фотография 3
At the press-conference

фотография 2
With new Women's World Chess Champion Anna Ushenina