Friday, 19 October 2012 08:01 | CC: Press info - 18.10.2012 - To: ALL National Federations
As we have announced among FIDE Events Commission plans is to create an info center for all Chess federations, clubs and chess organizations for the EU funding programs and actions. The first step is to build a network bridge between the EU Commission and the chess world.
On Tuesday 16th October in European Commission headquarters in Brussels (Berlaymont Building) a two hours working meeting organized between European Commission-Education and Culture and FIDE EVE Commission. European Commission was represented by Mr. Zenon Severis Member of Commissioner's Cabinet with responsibilities in Sports and Youth. FIDE Events Commission was represented by Secretary Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou.

In the meeting were presented, discussed and analyzed the following items:
1. The current EU Commission Sports Structure & operation
2. The networking between EU Commission and International Sports Organizations
3. FIDE actions and official Events
4. FIDE Chess In School Program which funds pilot programs in Europe and worldwide
5. EU funding programs 2009-2011 - Preparatory actions and Special Events
6. Future EU Sports Policy and coming programs. There are two news proposals from EU Commission
A. Erasmus for All is the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. B. Creative Europe is the new EU programme dedicated to the cultural and creative sectors. Both proposals and budgets is now under discussion in the Council of EU Ministers and the European Parliament. The proposed budget for sports is €34 million a year on average between 2014 and 2020. Support will be given to transnational projects aimed at boosting the exchange of know-how and good practices, non-commercial European sport events of major importance and work to strengthen the evidence base for policy-making in sport. Any funding program of the European Union an open call of interest or bids is published. All the projects and studies are open to eligible organizations and need multinational partnership.
By the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the European Single Market an important event took place on Monday 15th October in European Parliament in Brussels. Around 300 European citizens were invited to this event after an application and examination of each background, education, working and social activities. The meeting offered a unique opportunity for discussions and exchanges of views between, experts, businessmen, stakeholders, and prestigious guests such as President of the European Commission - José Manuel Barroso the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti along with Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services and Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, Members of European Parliaments, EU members Ministers.

Manuel Barroso and Mario Monti make their presentation in the meeting
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou was among the invited quests and has the opportunity to meet several Commissioners MEPs, and officers and important representatives from the business and academic sector.

Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou and French Commissioner Michel Barnier
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou had the opportunity to take part actively in the meeting with a brief speech in European Union issues.