Umada Cup 2012 Print
Wednesday, 10 October 2012 06:03
Umada Cup  2012 logo

FIDE Treasurer and Executve Director, Nigel Freeman, together with FIDE Development Commission Chairman, Allan Herbert visited Paramaribo, Suriname on 7th October to present the prizes at the closing ceremony of the Umada Cup. He congratulated the Surinaamse Schaakbond for their excellent organisation at such short notice.

Umada Cup 2012 1
Umada Cup Playing Hall

Umada Cup 2012 5
Open Section - FM Ryan Harper, Trinidad & Tobago

Umada Cup 2012 8
Octavio Croes & Nigel Freeman

Umada Cup 2012 11
Open Section - CM Suradj Hanoeman vs CM Michael Siban

Umada Cup 2012 6
Challengers Section - Calvin Tjong Tjin Joe, Suriname

Umada Cup 2012 7
Challengers - Virish Giasi, Suriname

Umada Cup 2012 10
Open section Round 8

FIDE Treasurer and Executve Director, Nigel Freeman
