FIDE Chess Olympiad 2012 starting in Istanbul Print
Sunday, 26 August 2012 17:51
fideThe 40th FIDE World Chess Olympiad will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, 27 August - 10 September. A record breaking 162 nations have registered for the competition with more than 1700 players and captains.

The arrival of delegations is underway and the opening ceremony will take place August 27th at 21:30 local time (20:30 CET) in the WOW Convention Center. The ceremony will be broadcasted live in 4 languages simultaneously. The first round begins August 28th at 15:00.

Defending champions are the teams of Ukraine in the open section and Russia in the women section. The competition is an 11 round championship where each team is composed of four boards. Standings are decided by Match points (2 for victory, 1 for draw, 0 for loss).

Official website / Schedule / Regulations / Live games with analysis


The way from the airport to the hotels, sunny Istanbul greets all coming participants


The marina close to one of the hotels with many VIP boats and great coffee houses (view from one balcony of the hotel)


The entrance of the playing hall





A greeting by the Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is meeting the players