FIDE President celebrated the International Chess Day in Kiev |
Saturday, 21 July 2012 13:00 |
 On 20 July FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov arrived in Kiev, Ukraine on occasion of celebration of the International Chess Day. There Mr. Ilyumzhinov took part in the press-conference. Together with the FIDE President at the press-conference present were: Mr. Ravil Safiullin, Chairman of the State Service for Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Mr. Sergey Bubka, President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, Mr. Viktor Kapustin, President of the Ukrainian Chess Federation, GM Pavel Eljanov, GM Alexander Moiseenko.
Later FIDE President had a working meeting with Viktor Kapustin and Igor Lobortas, Head of Lobortas Jewelry House.
 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE President and Igor Lobortas, Head of Lobortas Jewelry House

 Interview to local mass media
Viktor Kapustin, President of the Ukrainian Chess Federation