Working trip to Bishkek Print
Monday, 16 April 2012 08:03

On 13 April the FIDE President had a working visit to Bishkek where he participated in the congress of Chess Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Nearly 60 delegates were present at the congress. The main point of the congress agenda was the election of the new President of the federation after the retirement of the preceding one Mr. Alisher Sakebaev. At the suggestion of Ilyumzhinov and supported by the majority of the present the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Omurbek Babanov has been elected as a new President of KCF. All delegats were for him with two abstentions. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov reported briefly on the current situation in FIDE and touched upon the main issues which the new leadership of the Kyrgyz Chess Federation will face.

Also in Bishkek Ilyumzhinov had a meeting with the students and professors of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. At the meeting with the students he told about the contemporary development of world chess and shared his vision of the future of chess as an important factor of the human intellectual development. According to Ilyumzhinov, an inexhaustible supply for creativity and intellectual potential of children is hidden in chess, with proper approach from the part of political and state structures a broad introduction to the school curriculum can give a sharp push for innovative development of individual nations, as well as the whole human civilization. As an example the FIDE President introduced the Republic of Kalmykia where chess is included in the school curriculum as a compulsory subject in 1995. In addition, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov gave detailed answers to the students' questions.




