FIDE President at the Polish Chess Championships closing ceremony |
Monday, 27 February 2012 07:15 |
On February 26, the FIDE President arrived on a working visit to Warsaw where he took part in the closing ceremony of the Polish Chess Championships. The event was organized on a very high level. It was a very strong and uncompromising chess battle and the tie-breaks as an evidence were needed to determine the winners. Ilyumzhinov visited the office of the Polish Chess Federation located in the heart of Warsaw. Mr Tomasz Sielicki, President of the Polish CF, informed on the activity of the federation and its preparations for the European Team Chess Championships 2013 which will be held in Warsaw. The closing ceremony was also attended by Mr Andrzej Krasnicki, the President of the Polish Olympic Committee. It should be noted that he has already supported the FIDE's initiative to include chess in the Winter Olympic Games programme.
![Warsaw_5](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_5.jpg) Visiting the Polish Chess Federation
![Warsaw_1](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_1.jpg) FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of Polish CF Tomasz Sielicki, FIDE President's Assistant Berik Balgabaev
![Warsaw_6](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_6.jpg) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and WGM Hanna Erenska-Barlo
![Warsaw_4](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_4.jpg) Watching the game
![Warsaw_13](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_13.jpg) Announcing the winners
![Warsaw_15](/images/stories/NEWS_2012/visits/POL/Warsaw_15.jpg) The winners Joanna Majdan-Gajewska, Iweta Rajlich, Jolanta Zawadzka
Open section: Mateusz Bartel, Macieja Bartlomiej, Miton Kamil