Thursday, 09 February 2012 13:40 |
 The FIDE PB in Al Ain discussed the agreement with ACP and decided as follows:
1. The ACP will be actively involved in the decision-making process within FIDE – The ACP President will be invited to all FIDE Presidential Board meetings. Additionally, the ACP can nominate a member to the following commissions of FIDE: World Championships and Olympiads, Modernisation, Qualification and Rules.
2. The Calendar is the responsibility of FIDE, which will take into account the input from the ACP regarding major events in the chess world.
3. ACP will present a list of International Arbiters who are their members. FIDE may appoint up to ten arbiters from this list.
4. ACP gets the right to organise the 2012 ACP World Rapid Cup, 2012 Women's World Rapid Championship and the 2012 World Internet Championships/Cup. ACP must send draft regulations for these events to FIDE for approval. In case ACP intends to organise such events in the future, they must get approval from FIDE for using the "World Title".
5. One of the FIDE President's nominees for the 2013 World Cup will be the highest ranked player of the ACP tour 2012, who is not qualified by any other way.
6. FIDE will discuss with it's Commercial Agent the possibility of the winner of the ACP Tour in the year preceding the Candidates Competition being one of the participants in the next World Championship cycle (2013-2014).
7. FIDE agrees that the ACP can conduct a survey regarding the question of a new Grandmaster title. The results of this survey will be passed on to the Qualification Commission to make a recommendation.