Congratulations to Mintimer Shaimiev on his 75th Anniversary |
Friday, 20 January 2012 10:29 |

Mr. M. Shaimiev 1st President of the Republic of Tatarstan State Advisor of the Republic of Tatarstan Senior Advisor to the FIDE President
Dear Mintimer Sharipovich!
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on your 75th anniversary on behalf of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and the people of the Republic of Kalmykia!
This date has found you in the center of public and political life of the country. In your capacity as State Advisor of the Republic of Tatarstan, you do your utmost to increase well-being of your countrymen, to secure civil peace and international and interconfessional concord.
The above-mentioned efforts, as well as the growing economic importance and achievements in cultural, humanitarian and other spheres of public, are all connected to your name, and your indefatigable activities.
We know you as a refined connoisseur and great fan of chess, who is devoted to this wise game all your life. It is a pleasure for me to stress that today the chess life in your Republic is at its best. Under your great leadership Tatarstan has commenced to organize world level top events, which brought the knowledge of other countries of the world to your great Republic. I am confident that in the future this ancient sport will always be welcome there and it will become its home.
We are joining in to all other congratulations, and on this remarkable day I would like to wish you, beloved Mintimer Sharipovich, best of health, happiness and prosperity, fulfilling all the goals, and further achievements in your work, which demands from you a lot of responsibility and efforts, for the sake of your Republic.
Yours truly, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov FIDE President 1st President of the Republic of Kalmykia
Congratulation (RUS)