Sport Accord Mind Games: Rapid results |
Monday, 12 December 2011 06:22 |

The chess events in SportAccord World Mind Games are a series of three events split by gender as follows resulting in 6 tournaments in total : Rapid chess, Blitz chess and Blindfold chess. They are taking place from 8 to 17 December 2011 in Beijing, China. The tournament gathered together 32 strong chess players to compete in three different types of events. The results of the first type are as follows:
Rapid event (Men)
After a long and wild game between Wang Hao (China) and Gata Kamsky (USA), we now know the name of the winner of the rapid competition. The Chinese player, who had led since the beginning of the tourney, could possibly miss the 1-st place if he lost the game. And he was very close to it.
But Wang Hao was the strongest and the luckiest player of this rapid. He defended a very tough position and finished the tournament in sole 1-st place with 5,5 out of 7. Congratulations for the Chinese player! Half a point behind in second place was Vugar Gashimov (AZE). Gata Kamsky is 3-rd with 4,5 points.
We are grateful to all the players for this great show. Tomorrow they compete in the blitz tournament.
Rapid event (Women)
The former World champion and Ambassador of the SportAccord World Mind Games, GM Alexandra Kostenuik from Russia crowned a successful performance and even won the last game of the rapid tourney against Yelena Dembo.
She became the first female winner of this very interesting competition. Finally, she scored 6 points out of 7 – what a brilliant result! She had an overall performance of just under 2600. We have to mention, that this year was not the best in her career – so, we welcome this “comeback” of Russian player.
 GM Wang Hao (CHN)
 GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (RUS)
Official website
Crosstables: Men Women
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