![IMG_2873](/images/stories/NEWS_2011/fide_news/Shzh_WGP/IMG_2873.jpg) Round 11
Hou Yifan became a sole winner of the second stage of FIDE Women Grand Prix in Shenzhen! In the 11th round playing black World Champion made a draw against Elina Danielian and fixed a first place in the tournament. During the tournament Hou Yifan managed to make 8 points (5 wins, 6 draws) and didn’t lose any game. Slovenian player Anna Muzychuk made a draw against Ju Wenjun and became second in the tournament with 7 points. Tan Zhongyi made a draw in the game against Ruan Lufey and shares the third place together with her compatriot Ju Wenjun. Ekaterina Kovalevskaya had better position after the opening but made a draw in the game against Zhao Xue. Munguntuul Bathhuyagh won the game against Betul Yildiz. Looking at the table with the final standings one can see the domination of Chinese players – 5 out of 6 first places are occupied by them and Anna Muzychuk is the only one who managed to be placed inside of their group.
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Final Standings
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Round 10
In the 10th round 3 games were scored: Viktorija Cmilyte received a good position from the opening lost to Tan Zhongyi in followed complications. Elina Danielian found very nice tactical move in the game against Zhao Xue and managed to win the endgame with exchange up. Munguntuul Bathhuyagh was stronger in the game against Zhu Chen. Other games were finished with draw result: Hou Yifan made a draw with Ju Wenjun; playing white Anna Muzychuk didn’t manage to get an advantage and drew the game against Ruan Lufey; Betul Yildiz also catched a half of the point in the game against Ekaterina Kovalevskaya. One round to go Hou Yifan is one point ahead of Anna Muzychuk who placed second. Ju Wenjun and Tan Zhongyi share the third place. In the last round Hou Yifan plays Black against Elina Danielian and draw gives her the sole victory of the tournament. The final results of the games Ju Wenjun-Anna Muzychuk and Ruan Lufey – Tan Zhongyi will be decisive for medals fortune as well.The 11th round starts at 12 a.m. local time and promises to be spectacular.
For more detailed information please visit the Official website
View the Photo Gallery of the 10th Round here
Round 9
In the 9th round both games between Chinese players finished with score - Hou Yifan defeated Ruan Lufey and Ju Wenjun was stronger in the game against Zhao Xue. After four draws in a row Anna Muzychuk managed to win against Viktorija Cmilyte. Elina Danielian was very close to catch a full point in the game against Betul Yildiz as well but made a mistake and game was drawn. Ekaterina Kovalevsklaya and Tan Zhongyi had good chances in the endings but had to be satisfied with a draw results in the games against Munguntuul Bathhuyagh and Zhu Chen accordingly. After 9 games Hou Yifan keeps the leading position in the tournament one point ahead of Anna Muzychuk who placed second. Ju Wenjun and Zhao Xue share the third place.
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Round 8
In the 8th round of Women’s FIDE Grand Prix four games were scored. After 3,5 hours 5 outmatches were finished, although the last game between Elina Danielian and Munguntuul Bathhuyag took all audience. After five and half hours of playing Armenian Elina Danielian managed to win. Hou Yifan defeated Viktorija Cmilyte while another leader Ruan Lufey lost the game against her compatriot Zhao Xue. Ju Wenjun was stronger in the game against Betul Yildiz. Two other games Zhu Chen – Ekaterina Kovalevskaya, Anna Muzychuk – Tam Zhongyi were drawn. After 8 rounds World Champion Hou Yifan became a sole leader half a point ahead of another Chinese player Zhao Xue, placed second. Anna Muzychuk and Ruan Lufei share the third place. Tomorrow there will be the second rest day and all players will go to visit different schools in Shenzhen. The 9th round will start at 3 p.m. local time on 17th of September.
Please visit the Official site of the tournament
Photo Gallery of the 8th Round
Round 7
In the 7th round two out of five players from the leading group managed to win today – Hou Yifan defeated Tan Zhongyi and Ruan Lufey was stronger in the game against Betul Yildiz. All other games were finished with drawish results. Viktorija Cmilyte missed some chances to win in the game against Zhao Xue. Three other games Ju Wenjun – Munguntuul Bathhuyagh, Anna Muzychuk – Zhu Chen and Elina Danielian finished peacefully. After 7 games World Champion Hou Yifan and silver medallist of the World Championship share the first place half a point ahead of Zhao Xue and Anna Muzychuk, who share the third place in the tournament.
Please visit the Official website here
Photo Gallery of the 7th Round
Round 6
The 6th round was quite peaceful – 5 games were drawn and the only one game was scored today. Playing White a former World Champion Zhu Chen managed to win against Armenian Elina Danielian. Ruan Lufey and Munguntuul Bathhuyagh signed the score sheets after 14 moves while other players continue to play. The games between four leaders Hou Yifan-Anna Muzychuk, Zhao Xue-Tan Zhongy finished with draw results although this outcome didn’t change the tournament situation among the leaders. Viktorija Cmilyte saved the worse position against Betul Yildiz.
Official website
Please view the Photo Gallery of the 6th Round
Round 5
After five games the group of players shares the first place in Women Grand Prix – 4 Chinese players Hou Yifan, Zhao Xue, Tan Zhongyi, Ruand Lufei and Slovenian player Anna Muzychuk have the same 3, 5 points. Four games were scored today: Betul Yildiz blundered in one move and was defeated by her opponent Tan Zhongyi. Ruan Lufei was stronger in the game against Ekaterina Kovalevskaya. Armenian player Elina Danielian and Mongolian player Munguntuul Bathhuyagh won their first games in the tournament against Ju Wenjun and Viktorija Cmilyte accordingly. Other two games Hou Yifan - Zhu Chen, Anna Muzychuk – Zhao Xue were drawn today.
Official website
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Round 4
Two Chinese players Zhao Xue and Hou Yifan made a quick draw and kept their leading positions after round 4. Anna Muzychuk won the game against Yildiz Betul and joined the group the leaders. Ju Wenjun and Ruan Lufey won their games against Zhu Chen and Elina Danielian accordingly. Matches Ekaterina Kovalevskaya - Viktorija Cmilyte, Munguntul Bathhuyag - Tan Zhongyi were drawn today. The victories of Black outnumbered White’s success with 3 to 0.
Please visit the official website for more detailed information
Round 3
In the third round playing White World Champion Hou Yifan gave first half a point to Turkish player Betul Yildiz. Her compatriot Zhao Xue also made a draw against Zhu Chen. Viktorija Cmilyte and Tan Zongyi managed to win their games against Elina Danielian and Ekaterina Kovalevskaya accordingly. Munguntuul took her first half a point in the game against Anna Muzychuk. Ruan Lufei made the third draw in a raw against Ju Wenjun. As a result the situation with leaders didn't change - both Hou Yifan and Zhao Xue have 2.5 points after 3 games and share first place. Viktorija Cmilyte, Anna Muzychuk and Tan Zhongyi share the third place with 2 points.
Visit the Official site here
Photo Gallery of the 3rd Round
Round 2
After the second round there are two chess players with absolute result: Chinese players Zhao Xue and Hou Yifan, both playing Black, won their games against Yildiz Betul Cemre and Munguntuul Batkhuyag accordingly. Another Chinese player Ju Wenjun was close to repeat the success of her compatriots but overlooked the winning move under the time trouble. As a result the game between Ju Wenjun and Viktorija Cmilyte was drawn. Three other games Zhu Chen – Ruan Lufey, Kovalevskaya Ekaterina – Muzychuk Anna, Elina Danielian – Tan Zhongyi ended with the same result. After the games participants came to the press centre and answered to the journalist's questions.
Please visit the Official website for more detalied information
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Pairings and Results
Round 1
The opening round passed in a tense struggle on all the boards and as a result 3 games were scored. Playing white World Champion Hou Yifan got the advantage in the middle game and defeated Russian player Ekaterina Kovalevskaya. Zhao Xue and Anna Muzichuk won their games against Munguntuul Batkhuyag and Elina Danielian accordingly. Three other games Betul Yildiz – Zhu Chen, Tan Zhongui – Ju Wenjun. Viktorija Chmilyte – Ruan Lufei were drawn. During the press-conferences the players expressed their views about the games and shared first impressions about the organization of the tournament and their visit to Shenzhen.
Please visit the Official site here
View the Photo Gallery of the 1st Round here
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony of the 2nd stage of FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series 2011-2012 took place in the hall of the Shenzhen Press Group Building on the 6th of September. The event was attended by such honourable guests as the FIDE President Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, leader of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Mr. Chen Yin, Chairman of Chinese Chess Federation Mr. Chu Bo, general manager of Snow Breweries Mr. Zhao Xifang and other official guests.
Official website
Photos from the Opening ceremony
On the 5th of September, one day before the start of Shenzhen stage of FIDE Women's Grand Prix, the main sponsor of the event - Shenzhen Press Group - organized a meeting in the main building of the Media Group. FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE CEO Geoffrey Borg, FIDE Vice President and President of Chinese Chess Federation Chu Bo, General Secretary of Chinese Chess Federation Ye Jiangchuan, Delegate and Vice General Secretary Tian Hongwei (Abigail Tian), Editor in Chief from Shenzhen Press Group Chen Yin, Member of Editorial Board of Shenzhen Press Group Deng Zi Qiang and other officials took part in the event. The main sponsors of the event mentioned that they are very glad to host one of Grand Prix stages in Shenzhen and are looking forward for organizing more international chess events in the future. "Chess are in fashion in China! This is one of the reasons why we decided to organize this event here in Shenzhen,"- said Chen Yin. Shenzhen Media Group has 5 newspapers, few TV Channels and Radio stations that started to advertise upcoming Grand Prix event few weeks ago. More than 60 TV channels and newspapers all over China were invited to cover Women 's Grand Prix in Shenzhen.
The official website: http://shenzhen2011.fide.com/