Monday, 18 July 2011 12:25 |
During July 5-7th the 2011 CCA General Assembly was held in Cali, Colombia, with the presence of 27 out of 34 Federations members, being present or represented by proxies. All Continental Board Members were present except GM Silvino Garcia, absent with apologies, also was assisting WIM Beatriz Marinello, FIDE Vice President.
Important matters as President’s and Financial Report, updating of our Statutes, Financial and Tournament Regulations, 2012 Calendar and Financial Matters were dealt with.
The General Secretary opened the meeting and checked the necessary quorum, then gave the floor to Mr Jorge Vega, Continental President who welcomed and appreciated the assistance of the Delegates and thanked the Colombia Federation for hosting the meeting. Mr. Vega also thanked the assistance of the new elected board of El Salvador Federation
The Colombian Delegate took the floor, welcomed all Delegates and appreciated CCA for choosing Colombia as venue of the Assembly.
The Continental President gave his report highlighting the work done during since the last GA, regarding Events, visits to Federation, support given to Federations, CCA web page, work done in FIDE and draws the attention to CCA future work.
His report was unanimously approved.
Mr. Allan Herbert, CCA Treasurer took the floor and delivered 2010 Financial Report, He informed that CCA finances remains healthy, signalled the incomes and payments having during the past year and also the debts some Federations have. He also announced FIDE has cut CACDEC budget in a 50% which will affect some development activities this year but said that the situation will be restored in 2012.
Mr. Herbert also presented the 2011 budget and after some questions asked by the Delegates the Financial Report and 2011 budget was unanimously approved and the Treasurer was discharged.
The Continental President introduced Mr. Enrique Celi and Mr. Russell Smith commissioned to present the Statutes, Financial and Tournament Regulations modifications. In the Statutes the Continental President, Deputy President, General Secretary, Treasurer and three Members shall be elected by ticket and not one by one. Also a Verification Commission will be elected at CCA GA Assembly at Istanbul; this Commission has the task of verifying the candidatures and may check the financial matters. FIDE Vice President Miss Marinello asked the procedure in case of absence or death of the Continental President, Mr. Celi informed that in this case the Deputy President will take over as written in the Statutes.
The Statutes Modifications were unanimously approved.
In the Financial Regulations a new Membership Fee was approved; on proposal of the Continental President the new regulation will enter in force on January the 1st, 2015. Concerning bidding fees all events will be bidded without any deposit except the Continental Championship and the Youth Championship for which must be a deposit of USD 1,000.00.
Regarding Zonals and Subzonals under a Continental President recommendation attending an USCF and Canada written request the entry fee shall be a total USD 1,000 fee and not USD 75 per player as originally proposed.
Then the Financial Regulations were approved.
In the Tournament Regulations the Assembly revised the proposal done by the Commission, no major changes were done, the Continental President pointed out that for Zones 1 and 2 the dates and arbiters appointments shall be done up to the respective federation as requested by them in comments sent to the Continental Office.
The Continental President informed of his proposal to the FIDE World Championship Cycle about granting an extra place for America’s qualifiers to the World Cup, this would allow having an annual Continental Championship granting four places for the World Cup. FIDE USD 32,000 support would be splitted between both events. The proposal shall be dealt in Krakow, also he draw the attention as FIDE has splitted the World Youth in halves.
Because of this the regulations for Contiental Championship and Continental Youth could not be dealt in our meeting.
The Assembly approved the Tournament Regulations and regarding the Continental and Youth Championship Regulations tasked the Continental Board to approve them after the Krakow decision
Bids for 2012 events were analyzed and venues were granted. In those events where more than one Federation were bidding shall be asked further information about conditions offered and the final decision shall be taken by the Continental Board at Krakow. A full information shall be given at CCA webpage.
In General Matters FIDE Vice President Miss Marinello took the floor and expressed her support to the actual Continental Board and Continental President adding she will support CCA as FIDE VP. Mr. Vega thanked Miss Marinello for her words and assures CCA will ask any help needed from her.
Mr. Blanco spoke about the activities he has had as CIS Commission members and asked the Federations to back Chess in Schools programs.
Mr. Mieles gave a report of the development of the Ladies Continental Championship held at Guayaquil Ecuador.
Mr. Vega took the floor, congratulated all Federations for the nice work done, mentioned again the support given by the Colombia Federation and closed the meeting.
Given at Mexico City, July 13th, 2011
Continental Office
America General Assembly (PDF)