Vice President Nigel Short completes successful visit to Grenada Print
Tuesday, 05 March 2019 07:28

Exhibition Matches in Progress with Grandmaster Nigel Short - LS Feb 28th top

Chess in Grenada has received a significant boost with the recent visit of Grandmaster Nigel Short MBE, one of the most celebrated British players.

Grandmaster Short left Grenada over the weekend, following a four-day visit here ‘spreading the gospel of Chess’. A world championship finalist in in 1993, and once ranked No 3 in the world, Grandmaster Short has been playing Chess for over 48 years.

In a packed four-day programme (February 26th – March 2nd) Grandmaster Short participated in the launch of the first ever Grenada Chess Federation – GCF (February 28th) where he spoke and also played simultaneous exhibition matches against 25 players (earning 24 wins/1 draw); met with students of three (3) secondary schools; engaged the Minister of Sports at a luncheon meeting; and participated in four (4) radio and television interviews.

On the lighter side, he thoroughly enjoyed himself at the National Cricket Stadium on Wednesday (February 27th), witnessing England defeat the West Indies in an exciting ODI match, during which he met and had exchanges with several government ministers including the Minister of Education Hon Emmalin Pierre and Minister of Youth, Hon Kate Lewis. He used the opportunity to highlight the importance of chess in schools and among youth in communities.

On Thursday & Saturday he was also able to experience the sheer natural beauty of Grenada during sight-seeing tours.

Meeting at the GBSS Auditorium on Friday (March 1st) with over 100 students from Presentation Brothers College (PBC), Boca Secondary School (BSS) and Grenada Boys Secondary School (GBSS), who play or have an interest in playing chess, Grandmaster Short shared the benefits of the game in developing the mind and his own rich experiences as an international player. Noting that success only comes with hard work, he urged the students to take the game seriously, so that they too can compete in the international arena.

Grandmaster Short was very encouraged by the meeting with Minister of Sports Senator Norland Cox (March 1st) who expressed full support for the chess initiatives being undertaken in Grenada and examined possible areas of co-operation with the FIDE (World Chess Federation) including training, provision of chess boards, and participation in international competitions. Grandmaster Short is a Vice-President of FIDE.

On Saturday (March 2nd), Grandmaster Short left for St Vincent & the Grenadines on the 2nd leg of his mission to promote Chess. He is also expected to visit St.Lucia, Antigua, St Kitts and the Cayman Islands.

Grandmaster Short outlines the rules just before the start of the Exhibition Chess Matches - V2 Feb 28th

Grandmaster Short outlines the rules just before the start of the Exhibition Chess Matches - V2 (February 28th)

Exhibition Matches in Progress with Grandmaster Nigel Short - LS Feb 28th

Exhibition Matches in Progress with Grandmaster Nigel Short - LS (February 28th)

Simultaneous exhibition matches RS in progress with Grandmaster Nigel Short who Won 24 Drew 1  - at far right is Jesse Green a teacher at St Josephs Convent St Georges who held the Grandmaster to a draw Feb 28th

Simultaneous exhibition matches (RS) in progress with Grandmaster Nigel Short who Won 24, Drew 1 - at far right is Jesse Green, a teacher at St Joseph's Convent (St Georges) who held the Grandmaster to a draw (February 28th)

Grandmaster Nigel Short talks chess with students of GBSS PBC and BSS at the GBSS Auditorium March 1st

Grandmaster Nigel Short talks chess with students of GBSS, PBC and BSS at the GBSS Auditorium (March 1st)