89th FIDE Congress General Assembly Batumi, Georgia 3-5 October 2018
GA-2018/1. To approve Treasurer’s report.
GA-2018/2. To approve report by External Auditors Ernst & Young.
GA-2018/3. To approve Verification Commission report.
GA-2018/4. To discharge the Treasurer from the responsibilities for the financial year 2017.
GA-2018/5. To re-appoint Ernst & Young, Switzerland as FIDE External Auditors for the financial year 2018, for a positive opinion report.
GA-2018/6. To permanently exclude Bulgarian Chess Federation.
GA-2018/7. To accept “Bulgarian Chess Federation 1928” as a provisional member.
GA-2018/8. To elect Ms. Jarecki as Chairperson of Scrutineers and Messrs. Jose Antoni Obregon Gutierrez and Finnbjorn Vang as Scrutineers.
GA-2018/9. To elect Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich as FIDE President.
GA-2018/10. To confirm the appointment of the following as FIDE Vice-Presidents: Ms. G. Tulay (TUR), Mr. Ye J (CHN), Mr. N. Short (ENG), Mr. L. Turlej (POL), Mr. T. Battikh (TUN).
GA-2018/11. To elect the following as FIDE Vice-Presidents: Ms. M. Fierro (ECU), Mr. M. Khodarkovsky (USA), Ms. A. Sorokina (BLR), Mr. A. Iashvili (GEO), Mr. O. Adeyemi (NGR).
GA-2018/12. To note the elected Continental Presidents as follows: Europe: Mr. Z. Azmaiparashvili (GEO), Americas: Mr. J. Vega (GUA), Asia: Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifa el Nehyan (UAE), Africa: Mr. L. Ncube (ZAM).
GA-2018/13. To elect Mr. F. Strydom as Chairman of the FIDE Ethics Commission.
GA-2018/14. To elect the following membership of the FIDE Ethics Commission: Mr. R.M. Dongre (IND), Ms. R. Haring (USA), M. Y. Persuad (GUY), Mr.R. Joshi (NEP).
GA-2018/15. To elect the following membership of the FIDE Constitutional Commission: Mr. R. Rivello (ITA) – Chairman, Mr. K. Msukwa (MAW), Mr. M. Tabti (TUN), G. Walters (USA), Mr. I. Wilkinson (JAM).
GA-2018/16. To elect the following membership of the FIDE Verification Commission: Mr. L. Mazouz (ALG), Mr. R. Al-Susi (PLE), Mr. P. Laine (FIN), Ms. M. Murphy (ISV), Mr. A. Priest (USA).
GA-2018/17. To confirm the appointment of the following as Honorary Vice-Presidents: Mr. M. Kambouzia (IRI), Mr. DV Sundar (IND), Ms. I. Wilkinson (JAM).
GA-2018/18. To approve Antigua and Barbuda Chess Federation as a full member.
GA-2018/19. To approve Haiti Chess Federation as a full member.
GA-2018/20. To refer the establishment of the FIDE Advisory Board to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/21. To refer the changes to Non-Elected Commission Regulations to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/22. To refer the establishment of Strategic Planning Commission to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/23. To refer the establishment of Commission on FIDE’s relations with IOC to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/24. To approve the changes in the FIDE Electoral Regulations so that no person shall be elected as FIDE President for more than two terms and that votes by proxies are no longer authorised.
GA-2018/25. To approve the closing of the Moscow office.
GA-2018/26. To approve the following changes of the Commissions’ names: Fair Play Commission – formerly Anti-Cheating Commission, Commission for Women in Chess – formerly Women’s Chess Commission
GA-2018/27. To refer the matter of the Cote d’Ivoire Chess Federation to the Committee and the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/28. To approve the report of the Qualification Commission.
GA-2018/29. To approve the over-the-board titles.
GA-2018/30. To accept the proposal of the Icelandic Chess Federation to start to calculate Elo rating points for Fischer Random Chess (Chess 960).
GA-2018/31. To approve the Arbiters’ Commission report with appendices.
GA-2018/32. To approve Arbiters’ titles.
GA-2018/33. To approve the Trainers’ Commission report.
GA-2018/34. To approve Trainers’ titles.
GA-2018/35. To approve the Technical Commission report.
GA-2018/36. To approve the Rules Commission report.
GA-2018/37. To approve General regulations for Competitions.
GA-2018/38. To approve the Constitutional Commission report.
GA-2018/39. To approve the Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission report.
GA-2018/40. To approve the Development Commission report.
GA-2018/41. To approve the Chess in Schools Commission report.
GA-2018/42. To approve the Commission for Women in Chess report.
GA-2018/43. To approve the Social Actions Commission report.
GA-2018/44. To approve the Social Projects Commission report.
GA-2018/45. To approve the Chess for Disabled Commission report.
GA-2018/46. To approve the Medical Commission report.
GA-2018/47. To approve the Ethics Commission report.
GA-2018/48. To approve the Events Commission report.
GA-2018/49. To approve the IO title applications.
GA-2018/50. To approve Fair Play Commission report and anti-cheating measures and regulations.
GA-2018/51. To approve the Online Commission report.
GA-2018/52. To approve Marketing Committee report.
GA-2018/53. To refer the Candidates tournament 2020 to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/54. To refer the Grand-Prix issues to the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/55. To confirm that the 2022 Chess Olympiad and the 2021 World Chess Cup shall be organized in Minsk, Belarus.
GA-2018/56. To give the Polish Chess Federation a deadline in respect of whether they will hold the World Team and World Women’s Team Championships 2019, till the end of 2018.
GA-2018/57. To note that the FIDE President will provide a final decision on the organization of the 2018 World Rapid and Blitz Championships in Saudi Arabia, in November 2018.
GA-2018/58. To hold the 4th quarter 2018 Presidential Board meeting in London concurrent with the World Championship match M. Carlsen – F. Caruana, in November 2018.
GA-2018/59. To note that there are no bids to organize the 2019 Executive Board.
GA-2018/60. To award the organization of the World Senior Championship 2020 to Assisi, Italy.
GA-2018/61. To finalise the venues for World Junior U-20 2020, World Youth U14, U16, U18 2019 at the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/62. To award the organization of the 2020 World Cadet Championships U8, U10 and U12 in Batumi, Georgia, 18-31 October 2020.
GA-2018/63. To finalise the venue for World Youth Rapid and Blitz Championships U14, U16, U18 2019 at the next Presidential Board meeting.
GA-2018/64. To award the World Amateur Championship 2020 to Porto Carras, Greece.
GA-2018/65. To award organization of the World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2019 to Turkey.
GA-2018/66. To approve the reports of the Continental Presidents’.
GA-2018/67. To approve S. Gligoric Fair Play trophy.