Following the decision of the Executive Board to temporarily exclude the Bulgarian Chess Federation, the following measures are now in place.
Chess players under the FIDE flag
Players, arbiters, trainers etc. formerly representing the Bulgarian Chess Federation, are now registered under the FIDE flag. They are licensed to participate in FIDE rated tournaments.
According to the Regulations for Registration and Licensing for players, art. 2.10: ‘FIDE flag players’ are not allowed to compete in FIDE and Continental events. However, Bulgarian Players who became, after FIDE decision, ‘FIDE flag players’ will have the right to participate in FIDE Individual Championships registering individually and paying the respective FIDE fee for additional players.
No tournaments taking place in Bulgaria can be registered and rated by FIDE. Tournament results submitted before the decisions EB-2017/13 and 14 come to effect shall be rated. The list of these tournaments can be found here.
FIDE is forming a Committee to check the possibility of registering tournaments of Bulgaria.
‘FIDE flag players’ may participate in title norm tournaments. The following clarifications of the Title Regulations must be taken into account: (1.43) “At least two federations other than that of the title applicant must be included” These Federations must be National Federations. ‘FIDE flag players’ are not taken into account to fulfil requirement of 1.43 (1.43e) “from at least 3 different federations” These Federations must be National Federations. ‘FIDE flag players’ are not taken into account to fulfil requirement of exception 1.43e
Title applications
Applications for GM/WGM and IM/WIM titles by ‘FIDE flag players’ can be accepted only after prior communication with QC. ‘FIDE flag players’ may apply for titles according to 1.3 provided that they pay the relevant title fee by themselves.
Arbiters under the FIDE flag
Arbiters under the FIDE flag may participate in any FIDE rated event as arbiters, provided that they are licensed. Arbiters under the FIDE flag may register in Arbiter seminars provided that they pay the seminar fee by themselves. Arbiters under the FIDE flag may renew their license provided that they pay the relevant license fee by themselves. Applications for arbiters’ titles by individuals under the FIDE flag can be accepted only after prior communication with ARB Commission.
Trainers under the FIDE flag
Trainers under the FIDE flag are allowed to participate in Trainers’ seminars provided that they pay in advance the relevant participation and title fees by themselves. Trainers under the FIDE flag are allowed to renew their license provided they pay the relevant license fee by themselves. Applications for trainers’ FST or Di titles by individuals (as per TRG Regulations) under the FIDE flag can be accepted only after prior communication with TRG Commission.
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