List of Q2 2019 Presidential Board Decisions |
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Monday, 15 July 2019 09:52 |
![]() LIST OF Q2 2019 PRESIDENTIAL BOARD DECISIONS Q2PB-2019/01 To approve Russia, Monaco, Switzerland and Italy as the countries to host four stages of the Women’s Grand Prix 2019-2020. Q2PB-2019/02 To approve amendments to the regulations on the FIDE Moscow office indicating that the activities of the office are regulated by decisions of both the Presidential Board and the President and to approve the previously signed sponsorship contract with Russian Railways. Q2PB-2019/03 To ask Legal Advisor Aleksandr Martynov to develop clear guidelines for Arbiters (subject to confirmation by PB) to deal with the non-attendance situation in chess. Q2PB-2019/04 To approve the amendments to the 2019 Budget approved in London November, 2018. Q2PB-2019/05 To approve the offer from the Hungarian Chess Federation to organize the next Presidential Board meeting in Budapest on September 7th and 8th 2019. Q2PB-2019/06 To extend the bidding procedure for the FIDE Candidate’s Tournament 2020 and FIDE World Championship Match till September 1st 2019. Q2PB-2019/07 To approve the use of “International Chess Federation” in our public communications, as a part of a rebranding process. However, for official and administrative purposes, “World Chess Federation” will remain our official name until the new Charter is approved. Q2PB-2019/08 To modernize the FIDE Logo. Q2PB-2019/09 To approve the appointment of Willy Iclicki as FIDE GDPRO, Marco Biagioli as GDPR Legal Advisor and Vladimir Kukaev as GDPR Technical Advisor. Q2PB-2019/10 To have a final discussion regarding the new FIDE Charter at the Q3 2019 Presidential Board after consultations with the national chess federations. Q2PB-2019/11 To accept the proposal concerning a major fee reduction, including waiving all fees for the developing countries (levels 4-5), 50% reduction for level 3 countries, 50% reduction for all veteran fees, a quota for additional 30% tournaments to be rated for free (countries level 1-2). Additional major reduction for participants in youth competitions to be properly prepared and approved on Q3PB. Q2PB-2019/12 To approve a St. Kitts and Nevis Chess Federation as a provisional member. Q2PB-2019/13 To approve a Cayman Islands Chess Federation as a provisional member. Q2PB-2019/14 To support the aspirations of the Vanuatu people to join FIDE. To request the newly constituted Vanuatu Chess Federation to submit a new application and a set of documents, including the meeting minutes, in time for the Q3 PB. Q2PB-2019/15 To approve the TRG general strategy and report, new chess academies and new title recommendations. To create a TRG award named after Yuri Averbakh. Q2PB-2019/16 To approve the new EVE titles. Q2PB-2019/17 To reopen a bid procedure for World Amateurs 2021, World Seniors 2021 and World Senior Teams 2021 with a deadline of 30 days. For other 2021 World Championship tournaments, a call will be made later. Q2PB-2019/18 To approve a new World Cup format for 2021 and to approve the start of drafting the technical regulations. Q2PB-2019/19 To approve the new QC titles. Q2PB-2019/20 To investigate the request of Mahmood Lodhi from Pakistan concerning his missing title of GM. Q2PB-2019/21 To approve the new ARB titles. Q2PB-2019/22 To approve the work done by the FIDE Procurement Department in developing a chess clock contract bidding procedure. To acknowledge the President's decision to engage a PricewaterhouseCoopers auditor in order to ensure transparency and fairness of the upcoming tender. To invite all manufacturers and distributors to submit bids in the following nominations: FIDE World Championship Clock, Official FIDE Chess Clock, Chess Clock recommended by FIDE to National Chess Federations. Q2PB-2019/23 To approve the use of an electronic agenda for PB and GA for future. Q2PB-2019/24 To consult the national federations and to obtain their opinions regarding the transfer of player regulations. Q2PB-2019/25 To approve the publication of a resolution on fair play. Q2PB-2019/26 To approve the publication of a resolution regarding boycott and sportsmanship. Q2PB-2019/27 To request all materials regarding violations of Anti-Cheating Guidelines by Mr. Mark Morgunov during the 2018 European Youth Championship. Q2PB-2019/28 To stage 2020 Chess Paralympiad, possibly along 2020 Olympiad. Q2PB-2019/29 To approve the Chess-ID project and the plan of actions presented by the Executive Director Victor Bologan. Q2PB-2019/30 To approve amendments related to Fair Play Commission regulations. Q2PB-2019/31 To encourage National Federations that haven't yet done so to conclude agreements with FIDE on financial assistance for the development of chess. Q2PB-2019/32 To direct continental associations to actively finance specific projects related to players development, arbiters training and gender parity with the FIDE money received within the framework of continental agreements. RESOLUTION OF THE FIDE PRESIDENTIAL BOARD ON THE FAIR PLAY COMMISSION (pdf) NON-ATTENDANCE RESOLUTION (pdf) FAIR-PLAY PRINCIPLES RESOLUTION (pdf) |